
and Prayer Requests

 from Indonesia 

Java Evangelism
Dennis and Lynn Free

I can hear my American friends as they read the subject line for today’s update.  Some,  “We already have a president whose in office for two more years” or “We sure need one!”   I’m speaking about the third largest democracy in the world, not the second; about Indonesia not the USA.


Joko Widodo was sworn in as Indonesia’s seventh president a couple of hours ago in Jakarta where it’s Monday morning already.   [I write this as we approach mid-night Sunday in Georgia.]


In his previous jobs, the former furniture dealer, now president, did well as mayor of Solo where he worked to improve the performance of government and to address pressing problems.  He has had only two years of service as governor of the Jakarta special capital district.   He turns that position over to his vice-governor, a non-Muslim.


The fact that he chose a non-Muslim running mate and work partner both in Solo and Jakarta is evidence of his respect for the various elements that make up Indonesia.


He has a record of expecting civil servants to actually do the jobs they are paid to do, and working for development for the public good while fighting corruption.


 He will be strongly opposed by opposition leaders.  Please join us in praying for God’s blessing upon him and his efforts to bring stability, responsibility and fairness to the government of Indonesia.


I have just returned home after a great trip to Winter Haven Christian Church in central Florida where I participated in the first weekend of their annual Faith Promise Rally.   I am blessed each time I visit this missions-minded congregation and I still love being in Faith-Promise Rallies.


Wednesday evening I plan to teach on Islam at the Hebron Christian Church in Winder, GA.  On Sunday the 26th I will once again preach for Bethany Christian in Carrollton.    Of course, I may be too giddy over the arrival of my sweetie on Friday to focus on either.


I still await the summons for the interview with the Immigration official that will determine the disposition of my application for naturalization.  Thank you for your prayers.


Until all Clearly Hear,



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