Java Evangelism 
News for Prayer and Praise from
Dennis and Lynn Free in Indonesia
School Bus for Village Five  

Pictured above is the official turn-over of the vehicle friends and partners of Java, in conjunction with IDES, have made available to help the elementary children get from their tent homes to the tent schools.  This addresses a real human need with a compassionate response that we are sure honors Jesus.
It is also part of our plan to build bridges into a series of villages, and ethnic groups where there are no known followers of Jesus and little, if any, evangelistic effort.
Please pray for the kids, their schooling, the rebuilding of the village, and open doors for the Good News.
We have boats and nets ready to go, but it seems some one is influencing the fishermen to try to manipulate us into making them an outright grant rather than a soft loan through a revolving fund enabling us to help more and more fishermen.    Pray that we will have wisdom and grace as we work through this situation.
Until All Hear Clearly,
Dennis and Lynn Free