Java Evangelism 
News for Prayer and Praise from
Dennis and Lynn Free in Indonesia
Gratitude Expressed   

We have been reminded over the past two weeks that the Enemy yields territory only grudgingly. We have had some obstacles in our efforts to help the flood victims in Village Five.   We are still sorting through all that’s going on, but it seems likely that jealousy and peer pressure are being used to keep help from some who really need it.
At the same time we are seeing other doors open there — even though we know the Enemy will try to close them too.   We will be in Village Five on November 30th and December 1st doing English activities with Middle and High Schoolers.  The  Middle School English teacher is ecstatic.   The arrival of a team from Savannah, GA makes this possible.  We plan to be back out there in December 6th to introduce some organic fertilizer that should enhance their clove and nutmeg harvests next year. Pray for more to grow than spices!!!
Through all of this we are seeing signs of maturity in Michael as he enthusiastically is involved in the outreach there.  Please continue to pray that God will build His team for Village Five and all the surrounding neglected ethnic groups.
Saturday a team of 5 persons from the group we mentored in Savannah will arrive for a period of praying and sharing in search for “persons of peace”.  One person from the team has already arrived in Jakarta and the other four should be on Indonesian soil Friday evening local time.   They all come to Ambon by Saturday afternoon.  Please pray for stamina for all of us as we have a busy schedule planned.  Full team will be here until December 2nd.  One stays until December 8th and another for two full months.
As we have been preparing for the Savannah team’s coming, we have been moving across the Bay to an area near the kindergarten.  This will make it possible for us to house the team in this neighborhood.  We have facilities for prayer and training as well as a second floor apartment that is close enough for the GRANDS to drop by after school.
Pray for us as we plan for a Kingdom Business that will give us broad contacts into neglected areas.  
Thank you for your prayers and partnership.
Until All Hear Clearly,
Dennis and Lynn Free
 Ya’ll come! We are asking God to send English speakers who love Jesus and care for  people (especially lost people) to help us make contacts throughout the city of Ambon.   You could help with the pre-school programs,  English classes, communication sessions   at the American Corner at a local University, prayer walking, and through friendship.   Air fare is about $1800 (return).  Visa would be $25-50.   Living costs less than $30/day.    Come for a week, or better for a month, or three  … or a few years.  Great experience for College Students and a meaningful retirement activity for Seniors.   Contact us if you are interested.  We can give you plenty of meaningful things to do while you learn about and contribute to pioneer evangelism and church planting.   You can have an impact for the Gospel in the islands that Columbus never reached!