
and Prayer Requests

 from Indonesia 

Java Evangelism
Dennis and Lynn Free

Dear Friends and Partners of Java Evangelism,

Join us in thanking the Lord for

… A great visit with family, our directors, and some friends during our quick trip to the states (April 13-May 12).

… Good reports from our medical check-ups while in the US.

… A good safe return to Ambon.   We are beginning to function normally again.

As we mentioned in our April 22nd update, we are focusing any remaining years the Lord gives us on a two-pronged approach to ministry here.    The start of the bi-lingual worship service will be delayed until later in the year (northern hemisphere “fall”) giving us time to focus on developing the ministry to our poorest neighbors.

Currently we are trying to get all the “ducks in a row” for the start up a significant outreach to these poorer, mostly Muslim neighborhoods. We realize that getting “ducks in a row” for such a program–certainly is not pleasing to the Enemy–can be like “herding chickens”.  We need your prayers in these specific areas:

… Ask the Lord to lead us to an affordable rental property for the operations center for our educational programs.   This needs to be a strategic location.

… Ask God to prepare our team spiritually and emotionally for this effort.  The Enemy will oppose us!

…  Pray for Win and Yanti as they relocate to Ambon.  We need to locate housing and a business location for them.

… Pray for Narto who plans to marry Reni in late July and join our efforts here in August.

… Pray that we will be able to soon begin efforts to secure a long-term visa for Speedy and family.

… Pray for Michael.  He has been distracted lately because of a major family crises involving his younger brother who has been severely emotionally distrubed.

As we work on these details, Speedy is continuing to share the good news with Muslim friends.

It is always good to hear of Muslims 
Full Disclosure:  This picture is of a previous baptism there.   The photo from Saturday showed the participants faces too clearly to be used in a public mailing.
coming to faith.  Last Saturday Abel, a former student and a worker we recruited,  baptized a new Muslim believer into Jesus in “Pleasant Port” where we used to live.   Pray for his growth and that through him the message will continue to spread in the town where there was a fierce uprising against the gospel 3 years ago.
This young couple has served in West-central Sumatra in a place we have given the code name “Rabbit County” for four years now.   Their return from a break for Christmas and family needs has been delayed by several factors, most recently by complaints that may indicate a second child is soon to join their family.  Please pray that the Lord will open the door for their return in his timing.

As we work on getting the ministry projects togther here in Ambon, we are also preparing for a visit from a videotography team from a partnering congregation wants to tell the story of our forty years in Indonesia.  They will be here in Ambon and on Java shooting for a total of five hectic days (June 13-17).   Wisdom and strength are needed for all.

We will be in Java at the end of June to participate in a ministry seminar, graduation at the bible college we helped found, and a leadership simposium for church leaders focused on the church God wants us to be.   This will also give us an opportunity to visit with and preach for some of the churches we helped start thirty years ago.

Thank you for praying.

Until all Clearly hear,
Dennis & Lynn signature
Dennis and Lynn