News & Prayer Updates from Indonesia
Java Evangelism
Dennis and Lynn Free
Now Serving Eastern Indonesia where the Sizemore Center is being built in Ambon

As our faithful prayer partners know,  we have been asking God to bless us with what is needed to build a facility where we can through the pre-school, kindegarten, English Courses, and other programs, bless at least 250 children each year.   We do not know what God’s timing for this may be.  We know he has blessed our programs and we are convinced the building to be named the Sizemore Center will be an invaluable tool.    Our greatest desire is to have the building as soon as possible, but we want it when God is ready to bless us with it.   Please keep praying for this program.
The projected outside appearance of the projected four-story building is pictured below.

We are extending the rental contract on the packed-to-the-brim building we are now using.   We wish we could be applying those funds to the construction, but we must have a place until the Sizemore Center is finished.
The tax office threw us an unexpected curve recently.   It is very difficult for organizations to gain permission to own property in the name of even a duly registered organization (such as our local foundation).  The common practice is to put the property in the name of trusted individual(s) with legal documents stating where the funds came from and committing the property for only the use intended.  We have followed this course of action based on the best counsel we could get.   The problem is that with new income tax  procedures, the tax office may try to count the value of the purchased land as income to the trusted partner who is the “trustee” of the property.     I have been aware of numerous transactions following the course we have taken without any tax repercussions for the “trustees”.  Those taxes could be substantial.   Please pray with us over the next few days that we might be able to adequately explain the reality of the situation to the proper decision makers.   [By the way, March 31 in Indonesia is the equivalent of April 15 in the US.]
While we await the construction of the Sizemore Center, we are pleased with the team God is building for the work of the pre-school kindegarten, English course, tutorial program, etc.   We have just finished a retreat for team building and skill development.   We are grateful for the challenging instruction from Scott and Kathy Hudson.

Thank you for praying about these matters and that all things will work together to bring more and more people of Ambon into the family of God.
Until all Clearly Hear,
Dennis and Lynn Free

To Keep You Informed:

Java Evangelism has a webpage WWW.SIZEMORECENTER.ORG  To access this site you may request that we register you.  (We are experiencing some “hang-ups” with the connections for those requesting access direcly from the site.) You will receive a username and a password.   This allows us to be “gate keepers” to safeguard information on the site.

If you would like to view a video produced by and for a partnering church about the Free’s first forty years click here .

Thanks to Savannah (now Compassion) Christian in the Savannah, GA area we have a couple of professionally produced videos you may view:   SHORT VERSION.   LONGER VERSION

Java Evangelism, 105 WESTBROOK RD, Carrollton, GA 30116