News & Prayer Updates from Indonesia
Java Evangelism
Dennis and Lynn Free
Now Serving Eastern Indonesia where the Sizemore Center is being built in Ambon

Once again the Evil One is out to hinder ministries of love and compassion in the Pleasant Port area!    Many of you will remember that in April 2012 an angry mob protested the acceptance of the Gospel by several people in the Pleasant Port area.   As a result one of the team couples (who hail from a neighboring nation) were forced to leave and have now relocated elsewhere. 

Through that turmoil, the Lord graciously provided protection and wisdom to Abel, Ann and their children.   Since 2012 they have continued to minister in the area, patiently loving people, sharing the Good News, and faithfully discipling new believers.    They have for the past four years had no permanent team members to share the work, only a series of interns who have come for a year or so each to complete ministry practicums required for bible college graduation.
Abel has been involved in various business enterprises that have blessed a focus community.   He based much of this activity from a plot of land in a Bee village outside Pleasant Port.  Abel became concerned that many children in the community were not in school.   Often they were helping their parents secure subsistence income by making bricks.    Many of school age were unable to read.
With some of the bible college practicum workers, Abel began offering basic education classes to these children.    The children and their parents have been grateful. Many have made significant progress both educationally and behaviorally.
Recently one of the children found a book on the Joshua, the Old Testament figure, in the little house where the tutorials have been held.   He took the book without permission and later brought it to the local mosque.  Mosque leaders passed it along to a military officer who is also a fanatical religionist.  This leader happens to live in the area from which the mob protests originated in 2012.   He called Abel to his office and angrily confronted him.  He has forbidden Abel from teaching the children.
Special activity at the learning center last August near Independence Day
This has just happened this week.  We do not know what the reaction of the community may be.   Please pray for Abel, Ann, and other believers in the area to have peace that only the Lord can provide.   Pray for the Lord to somehow use this to bring glory to his name.  The Evil One never surrenders territory without a fight.   We do our fighting on our knees.

Pray for the communities where our Ambon team is working.  Pray for wisdom and protection that those does not compromise bold witness.

Please continue to pray for Riry who needs to boldly confess and take action on the faith growing in her heart.   Speedy has had no further opportunity to follow-up with I.  The Enemy has so many schemes to delay and defer.  
We have by God’s grace and the generosity of many of you set aside 30% of the amount need to provide for 250 students annually in the Sizemore Center.   We need to provide for 175 more.   $2000 will make it possible for us to have great facilities to serve a student each year far into the future.   Prayer is the greatest asset we have in completing this project.

Until all Clearly Hear,

Dennis & Lynn signature
Dennis and Lynn Free
To Keep You Informed:

Java Evangelism has a webpage WWW.SIZEMORECENTER.ORG  To access this site you may request that we register you.  (We are experiencing some “hang-ups” with the connections for those requesting access direcly from the site.) You will receive a username and a password.   This allows us to be “gate keepers” to safeguard information on the site.

If you would like to view a video produced by and for a partnering church about the Free’s first forty years click here .

Thanks to Savannah (now Compassion) Christian in the Savannah, GA area we have a couple of professionally produced videos you may view:   SHORT VERSION.   LONGER VERSION

Java Evangelism, 105 WESTBROOK RD, Carrollton, GA 30116