
and Prayer Requests

 from Indonesia 

Java Evangelism
Dennis and Lynn Free

Thank you for praying for our friend and co-worker, Speedy, who has been in Ambon with us over the past two months. He has boldly and clearly shared the claims of the Messiah with many who only think of Jesus as a prophet.


We will be working toward establishing a sea-food export business, to aid the development of this area and to provide a means for him and his family to live here long term.   There is much to be done to make this a reality.  Pray for wisdom, guidance and open doors.   Thank the Lord for the good partners he has from still another Asian country that are eager to do whatever it takes for the Good News to reach their target people.


We have had a couple of messages from “Rabbit County” asking prayer for people who are being confronted with the cliams of Jesus.  Will you join us in prayer for a breakthrough there?  Remember “Rabbit County” is a major source of cinnamon.  Everytime you taste, smell or head of cinnamon, please pray for Al and the team in “Rabbit County.”


We were blessed with a recent visit from Abel (a long-term co-worker among the Bees who continues to serve faithfully in Pleasant Port).   Abel is in his fourteenth year of ministry to the Bees.  Stories of how some of the believers there are growing in faith and vision for the expansion of the Good News blessed our old hearts!   


Pray for Buzz.  Even before he began to follow Jesus (July 2005) his wife, Sarah, has been focused almost exclusively on money.   This  blinds her eyes to the truth.   Buzz and others have tried to talk with her about Jesus to little avail.   For the past several weeks she has moved home to live with her parents because Buzz was unable to fulfill some of her financial demands.   Pray for her eyes to be miraculously opened.   Some extended family members have told Buzz, “We will help you financially to marry a good woman.”   Buzz responds,  “If God allowed me to do that, I would have done it a long time ago.”  He continues to be faithful to her and to share the Good News freely to anyone who will listen.   Please pray for Buzz,  Sarah and Deb (their daughter).


Abel also brought news of Sam.   Sam was the first person to come to faith (2002, I believe) after our team had been working in Chief City of Beeland for 3 years!   Sam showed real signs of spiritual growth; and then went into a tail spin for some time.  He now lives in Borneo and has done well financially.  He asked Abel to visit him.  He is again studying the Word, seeking to grow in the knowledge and wisdom of the Savior.   He has said he wants to make amends to those he has deceived and defrauded.   He plans to visit us in Ambon in August.  We look forward to seeing him and to the opportunity to speak grace and love in to His live again.  Please pray for Sam and for his pre-believing Javanese wife.  This man, if he is truly focused on Jesus, can have a mighty impact for the Kingdom.   Your prayers may be the key!


Please continue to pray for the contacts that our friend, Karen, made during her visit.  Our team here (especially the girls from the bible college) are focusing on Maya and Vonno who have Christian backgrounds but are untrained as disciples of Jesus.   Several of her Muslim students have heard the gospel from our foreign Asian visitor.  We learned that some of them are involved in radical Muslim groups.  At least one of those radicals spent an afternoon being challenged by the truth of the Gospel.   Pray for the Holy Spirit to continue the work in his life and in the lives of others with whom the Good News has been shared.


Until all Clearly Hear,

Dennis and Lynn Free


Short term teams are welcome!  
Recent team conducting an “English is Fun” Day in a village area. 
 Searching for God’s plan for your life?  Want a significant short-term cross-cultural experience?  We invite you to consider the articles linked below.  Click the links

The Muslim month-long, day-light hours, fast will begin on June 28th and continue through July 27, 2014.   Over the years we have urged folk to join in prayer efforts for Muslims during this time when many are seeking to draw close to God as they understand Him.  We pray that they will have a growing spiritual hunger and that He will reveal Himself to them.   
We offer two programs you may want to use as you pray for Muslim during their “holy” month.  First,Southern Baptists in Texas have prepared a daily prayer guide.   You can access it here.  Ramadhan 2014 Prayer Guide from Texas.     

Second, PLEASE CLICK HERE TO SIGN-UP FOR DAILY PRAYER PROMPTS FOR THE MUSLIM WORLD FROM WWW.30-DAYS.NET.  These daily prayer prompts are like the ones we have shared in the past.  You can also order the prayer guide from in hard copy or in downloadable pdf format.

From 1975
Dennis and Lynn who have been privileged to live and serve in Indonesia since 1975 thank you for your partnerhsip and prayers.