Java Evangelism 
News for Prayer and Praise from
Dennis and Lynn Free in Indonesia

Your prayers are so very vital to all that we hope to see accomplished in this land.  Here are some suggestions for prayers.  This are from a few places around the nation, not just the Maluku islands.

… Rejoice with Abel and Buzz over the two men they saw buried with our Lord this month back in Beeland.  Ask that God will bless them with rapid and solid spiritual maturity.

… Pray for the flood relief Abel has been leading in an area hit with devastating flooding last month.  Thank God for partnership with IDES that makes this all possible.  The ministry area is on the edge of Beeland.

… Partnering with IDES, Speedy has assisted victims of typhoons in the Philippines.   Pray that he will soon be able bring his family back into this nation to serve Bees   His supporting congregation wants to be doubly sure that there will be no problem with authorities.

…The team in Rabbit County has concern for the two year-old child of the couple.  “Grace” has had frequent bouts with fevers and cough in recent month.   Pray for God to supply all their needs and to give them abiding fruit.

… Pray that God will give us the right strategy and the best partners to reach into unengaged areas with quality products and an incomparable Message.

…Pray for the one remaining team member from Savannah.  The changes are many and large.  She is a willing adapter, but the rodent issue at the school and her apartment are hurdles for anyone.  She has other housing options, but has opted to master this challenge and beat the critters!   Pray for her in this battle and to make great spiritual contacts.

… Ask God to bless our concluding negotiations with the car we bought to service the school children in village five.  The owner has not come up with the title and the parents do not want to pay to cover the fuel and driver costs, so we will likely return the vehicle and move on to other ways of blessing village five.

… We appreciate your prayers for Lynn’s mother, Virginia Manning, who is undergoing chemo-therapy for her third bout with cancer.  The medicine makes her very dizzy and generally uncomfortable.  She had her 90th birthday last May.

Until All Hear Clearly,
Dennis and Lynn Free