News & Prayer Updates from Indonesia

Java Evangelism
Dennis and Lynn Free


Dear Friends and Partners of Java Evangelism,


This past Friday night, the members of our team who are present in Ambon, had a special time of Thanksgiving and surrender of our rented facility to the Lord.  We asked Him to take charge of all plans and programs.   


We ask you to prayerfully read the description we have prepared 

explaining our dreams and vision for this facility and program (click here). 


Specific prayer requests:

1.  For the operation of the OKe-Mart by August 10th.

2.  For the details involved in relocating the “FAST START” pre-

school and kindegarten to the second floor of the rented facility.

3.  For the health and the arrival of the Project Operation 

Opportunity (OKe) team so we can begin its fully implementation.

– Michael is still recovering from a motocycle accident.

– Narto and Yanti are in her home island for their wedding (29 July) 

-Speedy and family need to be out of Ambon for most of August.

– Welly is putting the finishing touches on her final exit paper at the Bible College.

– A decision needs to be made about the hiring of an Administrative Assistant.

– Janes and Bethany (key players in many roles) are to return to Ambon from a USA visit on July 24th.

4.  For God to provide funds, personnel, program plans, contacts …

everything that is needed for Project Operation Opportunity (OKe)

to carry out the ministry He has for us to do.


Until All Have Clearly Heard,

  Dennis & Lynn signature

Dennis and Lynn Free