News & Prayer Updates from Indonesia
Java Evangelism
Dennis and Lynn Free
Now Serving Eastern Indonesia where the Sizemore Center is being built in Ambon

Dear Friends and Partners,

We thank all our partners for allowing God to bless our team in Ambon through you in 2016.   

Among the blessings of 2016 was God’s blessing and guidance in originating the plan to build the Sizemore Center in Ambon.   This center is dedicated to the exaltation of the only Lord, and to honor two great friends of Java Evangelism and world evangelization:  Professor Denver and Mrs. Helen Sizemore.

During 2016 $84,657 were set aside for the construction of the Sizemore Center; the majority coming from funds earmarked for the cause.  Other funds were taken from contingency accounts making it possible to spend $135,000 for the purchase of a great location in a growing part of Ambon, which, more importantly, is accessible to people of all faith communities.   We now have a small, but growing, “nest egg” toward the construction of the facilities our staff dreams of and desperately needs..  


We want to share with you our vision for the facilitiy.   These are preliminary drawings and are not as clear as we would like (my scanner would not cooperate), but they will give you some idea.


Front View:

Back View:





– 5 large classrooms (one on ground floor; four on second floor)

– Appropriate and accessible school office.

– Larger room for OKe Mart and storage.

– Spacious meeting room on third floor with Project OKe office.

– Apartment for OKe Mart manager and family.

– Each floor will be about 3500 sq feet.

– We plan a green roof, using the technology we partnered with in the crushed    

   brick project.


With constant fluctuations in construction costs and the exchange rate for the dollar into rupiah, it is difficult to project costs accurately.  We  pray that for $160,000 we will be able to build the structure; and for another for another $50,000 to properly furnish it.     How far would God have us go in 2017?

Join us on our knees in seeking His direction?     Thank you for your prayers and partnership.


Until all Clearly Hear,
Dennis & Lynn signature
Dennis and Lynn Free
To Keep You Informed:

Java Evangelism has a webpage WWW.SIZEMORECENTER.ORG  To access this site you may request that we register you.  (We are experiencing some “hang-ups” with the connections for those requesting access direcly from the site.) You will receive a username and a password.   This allows us to be “gate keepers” to safeguard information on the site.

If you would like to view a video produced by and for a partnering church about the Free’s first forty years click here .

Thanks to Savannah (now Compassion) Christian in the Savannah, GA area we have a couple of professionally produced videos you may view:   SHORT VERSION.   LONGER VERSION

Java Evangelism, 105 WESTBROOK RD, Carrollton, GA 30116