News & Prayer Updates from Indonesia
Java Evangelism
Dennis and Lynn Free

Greetings from a hot, overly dry and dusty Ambon!   2015 in Ambon has brought far less rain than we normally experience in this tropical land.    They say this is due the El Nino affect, caused somehow by water temperatures in the Pacific making for  longer and harsher dry seasons for us in Indonesia.    We have had a few showers lately, but we would love to have a wet and muddy Christmas.   Sloppy muddy would be fine, but not likely with our sandy soils.
We pray your Christmas will be very special.   We hear some in America are anticipating a memorable Christmas whith near record breaking high temperatures!  Whatever your weather conditions, we pray your heart will be warmed with special times with family and friends, remembering how our Lord broke into human history to change us and to give us hope!
For, indeed, God showed his love to us when he sent a redeemer.
While many cringe with fear, or scream in anger over the threat that is presented by radical Islamic terrorists, we are content to let those in governmental positions carry out their God-ordained jobs to protect and defend. We are called to do whatever we can to see that the LOVE displayed in a stable, in a perfect life of service, on a blood-soaked cross, and in the reality of an empty tomb, be communicated and demonstrated to EVERYone.   
We want residents of the non-Christians areas of our city to know that people motivated by the love of Jesus care for them because of the love we learn from Jesus.   We express that love in reading corners, English discussion groups, a pre-school/kindegarten, etc.   May lives be touched.  Pray that we will be able to locate houses for OKe project workers in several of these areas during 2016.
Since our last update,  English conversations have begun in the building made available for our use downtown.   We decided beginning with English discussions would give us opportunity to interact with those we long to see know Jesus.   The bi-lingual worship is on hold for a while as we feared that we would use too much of the limited time and energy we have for outreach to begin the services at this time.
We have been working through beaucracy, diligently trying to jump through all the hoops required to secure a visa for Speedy and family. Getting the foundations positioned to sponsor their visas has been more demanding that we had anticipated.   We are making slow, but steady progress.   Please ask for God to help us work our way through the maze of regulations and inefficiencies.
Thank you for your faithful prayers and partnership in the gospel for 
Ambon in 2015.   Pray that 2016 will be year of a breakthrough.
Until all Clearly Hear,
Dennis & Lynn signature 
Dennis and Lynn
P.S.  Our son says I mis-identified their place of residence as Central Tennessee.   He insists that Tennesseeans do not know a Central Tennessee, but rather Middle Tennessee.   Now, Brian, is that better?

It is our prayer that our ministry will bless many in the more neglected areas of Ambon in 2016.