
and Prayer Requests

& Christmas Greetings

 from Indonesia 

Java Evangelism
Dennis and Lynn Free

We are writing this from Singapore.  Dennis is especially happy to be back in Asia for the first time since July, especially with the promise of freedom from the necessity of spending extended amounts of time in the US.


We will be here in Singapore until Monday.  We are meeting with friends and ministry partners, planning for the return of Speedy and family to full time ministry in Indonesia.


We should arrive in Ambon on Tuesday afternoon, catching up with family and ministry partners there.   We look forward to finding ways to reach into Muslim communities with the love of Jesus.  Please pray for our readjustment and that we will be able to “hit the ground running.”   


Our Ambon arrival will be delayed by a necessary lay over in Jakarta.   We thought you might enjoy the following article about unusal things seen around Jakarta.   Please click here to see these unique photos.


May God’s blessings be with you and your family as you rejoice over the “Savior born unto you who is Christ the Lord”.  May your 2015 overflow with thanksgiving and loving service


Until all Clearly Hear,

Dennis and Lynn Free

