
and Prayer Requests

 from Indonesia 

Java Evangelism
Dennis and Lynn Free

We are unable to determine which came first the weariness or the horrific head colds we are both fighting.   Regardless, we are tired and not feeling 100%.   The past several weeks have been more hectic than normal, but we have been blessed to be a part of each activity.
We have been discussing and praying about how we can help Yanti and Win whom we introduced in our last update to relocate here.  We are looking for a business opportunity that will utilize Win’s many talents.   Yanti can make a good contribution to the pre-school and kindegarten.    Win has been here for a time of prayer and surveying opportunities this week.  If they decide to relocate here, the local foundation will provide a transitional salary until Win (perhaps along with Janes) is able to put together a program.
Jack Turner, a partner from Georgia, spent a week praying with us for a breakthrough in this city, island and province.
The English classes are still not coming together.   Building owners do not seem inclined toward joint ventures as we had hoped.   We take this as the Lord putting this plan on hold for now.
We have not begun the serious prep for the Bi-Lingual worship time, but shall after we return from a quick trip to the US.
In order to get a visa for our co-workers from a neighboring country to serve long term here, we need to prepare more extensive programs for the local foundation.    If we have a full-slate of services, we are confident we can make a case for inviting the husband/father to serve as the International Communication Coordinator for the programs.
To develop the programs of the foundation, several of us have a heart burden for the ignored children in the large market areas.  We are considering options of how we might be able to serve them and build bridges into their largely unbelieving families.  Ask the Lord to open doors that man cannot close and to close doors that we cannot force open!    
Next Saturday (April 11th), we begin a trip back to the US for medical checkups, a Directors’ meeting and some milestone family birthday celebrations.    We will stop off in Singapore on Sunday the 12th and should arrive Atlanta on the 13th.   We plan to fly out of Atlanta on the 12th of May.   Should you wish to contact us while we are in the US,   our US numbers should still be active: 706 402 2680 (Dennis) and 404 747 2147 (Lynn).
We have sent a “snail mail” newsletter off for printing and mailing.  To read it now, click here.

Until all Clearly Hear,

Dennis & Lynn signature