
and Prayer Requests

 from Indonesia 

Java Evangelism
Dennis and Lynn Free


What a wonderful season!  We rejoice in the fact that our Lord bore the penalty for our sins, was buried, and then proceeded to proclaim full victory over sin, death and the grave.  Haleluya!   Alhamdulillah (our Arabic speaking friends say)!
We long to see the by-passed peoples of Indonesia come to fully understand the implication of the passion and resurrection of our Lord!
Rejoice with us!  Speedy should be here before Resurrection Sunday. He has an official visitor’s visa in his passport.   Pray for him as he looks for opportunities near us to serve the Bees to whom he has dedicated his ministry.  
Pray for Allan in “Rabbit County” who has greater focus and energy in sharing the Message boldly with cousins after studying some of the material we have shared with him.  It was good to see him at Dale and May’s wedding in Jakarta last weekend.  Too bad we missed Linda and their 18 month-old son.
Pray for Dale and May as they return to “Rabbit County”.  Frankly Dale has been so consumed with “finding his rib”, as some Indonesians express it, that his focus in “Rabbit County” has suffered.  After 47 and 39 years of single living, they will undoubtedly need grace and strength as the form their new family.
A husband and wife team who are graduates of our Bible College in Java are also ministering in “Rabbit County”.  Ask God for a great “break through” there.
Pray for the girls from the Bible College who are with us here in Ambon (Reni, Lei and Okta).   They have great skills that equip them for church ministry, but pioneering is a stretch.  Pray that we will know how to challenge and encourage in the proper balance.
There are more opportunities in Indonesia than we have capable people to mobilize to address them.  Ask God to “thrust” laborers into His Indonesian Harvest Fields.
Until all hear clearly,
Dennis and Lynn

Short term teams are welcome!  
Recent team conducting an “English is Fun” Day in a village area. 
 Searching for God’s plan for your life?  Want a significant short-term cross-cultural experience?  We invite you to consider the articles linked below.  Click the links


From 1975
Dennis and Lynn who have been privileged to live and serve in Indonesia since 1975 thank you for your partnerhsip and prayers.