Java Evangelism 
News for Prayer and Praise from
Dennis and Lynn Free in Indonesia
After a few snow-bound days making us wonder, it now looks like we will leave Atlanta on time for the trip back to Ambon.   

We have made a late New Year’s resolution: We will do our best to arrange future trips to the US to avoid January/February weather!  We had to cancel a few things we wanted to do on this trip and were snow bound in Banks County for several days, wondering if we would be able to get out on time.   Just in time the weather broke.  We drove to Atlanta and turned the car over the the chairman of our board for storage and are spending the night in a hotel with shuttle service.  At this point it looks like we will be flying out tomorrow, February 14th.
It was quite a blessing to be able to say goodbye to Virginia (Lynn’s mom) before she slipped from this life on January 14th.   Dennis, Lynn, and son, Brian, were able to share with other family members in a Celebration of Virginia’s Life on February 8th.   We are grateful that we were able to made those two trips to Delaware uneventfully and between the frequent serious winter storms.    
We both saw doctors and all seems to be well.  We are deeply grateful that the scans and tests ordered by Lynn’s oncologist found NO SIGNS OF RECURRENT CANCER CELLS.
While we have lost the support of the church that has given more to our ministry than any other over the past decade or more, we were able to rejoice with our directors when we met on January 24th over news that another partner church has doubled their support, making up about 75% of what was lost.  God and his people have been so good to us and to this ministry!  Praise to God and thanks to you.
We look forward to getting home to welcome two new partners in outreach to “cousins” in our city and surrounding areas.   Please pray for Lei and Okta as they join Reni in outreach efforts.  Please pray for us as we go to a large village on the island of Seram with a Muslim friend.  We will be offering the quality products we are marketing and trusting God to provide open doors for the ministry.
Pray for Karen from Savannah who continues to help with the pre-school and to reach out through English language teaching to high schoolers and university students.  She is willing to extend her time in Ambon until May if support details can be worked out.  Please pray for her to find truth seekers.
Our friends in “Rabbit County” ask for prayers for several contacts who have heard the Good News and seem about ready to make a commitment.  Pray for Al, Linda and Dale.
Until All Hear Clearly,
Dennis and Lynn Free
 Ya’ll come! We are asking God to send English speakers who love Jesus and care for  people (especially lost people) to help us make contacts throughout the city of Ambon.   You could help with the pre-school programs,  English classes, communication sessions   at the American Corner at a local University, prayer walking, and through friendship.   Air fare is about $1800 (return).  Visa would be $25-50.   Living costs less than $30/day.    Come for a week, or better for a month, or three  … or a few years.  Great experience for College Students and a meaningful retirement activity for Seniors.   Contact us if you are interested.  We can give you plenty of meaningful things to do while you learn about and contribute to pioneer evangelism and church planting.   You can have an impact for the Gospel in the islands that Columbus never reached!