Java Evangelism 
News for Prayer and Praise from
Dennis and Lynn Free in Indonesia


We have been blessed over Thanksgiving week to have four friends from the group we worked with in Savannah while there join us in efforts to express the love of God to contacts in and near Ambon.


The four Focus team members have woked hard, loved much, and shown the joy of the Lord.   It has been our team’s privilege to meet with students in many locations; interact with folk who have never heard that Jesus loves them; and to show the joy that comes from the Lord.  Several times we have explained that they came here because they love God  and that their love for God moves them to love people!   They are here because of that love!


We spent some time in places with little gospel witness, endeavoring to express God’s love and to pray for open doors into lives and communities. As I write this we are all admittedly bone-weary, but joyful and eager to see what God will do in all these places.  


We are praying God will give us the privilege of hosting and guiding many more teams such as this.  Through prayer walks, friendship, English classes, sports, service projects, and many other projects, loving people can help break through barriers the Enemy has built around folk who know very little of Jesus and His Love.  Your invitation to join us is in red below.


We have hit some snags with the school transport and fishing boat projects for Village Five.   The vehicle has some issues; and the parents are not willing to pay the small fee to provide fuel and some income for the driver.   There may have been some “holes” in the research done by our survey team.  At any rate, these projects have not opened the doors we had anticipated.  Our researcher has been helping with English instruction and this approach gives us good access.    We will continue to find ways to lovingly serve them.   Pray for good conversations of Eternal importance!!!


Dan from the team will be here through the week and Karen will help in the pre-school and other projects for some time longer.  Ask God to bless them and us with stamina and wisdom.


Until All Hear Clearly,
Dennis and Lynn Free
 Ya’ll come! We are asking God to send English speakers who love Jesus and care for  people (especially lost people) to help us make contacts throughout the city of Ambon.   You could help with the pre-school programs,  English classes, communication sessions   at the American Corner at a local University, prayer walking, and through friendship.   Air fare is about $1800 (return).  Visa would be $25-50.   Living costs less than $30/day.    Come for a week, or better for a month, or three  … or a few years.  Great experience for College Students and a meaningful retirement activity for Seniors.   Contact us if you are interested.  We can give you plenty of meaningful things to do while you learn about and contribute to pioneer evangelism and church planting.   You can have an impact for the Gospel in the islands that Columbus never reached!