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Connecting Everywhere… Every Day
Established in 1930 to promote global fellowship among churches with their origins in the Stone-Campbell movement, World Convention cooperates with Christians everywhere toward the unity of the church.


Gary Holloway 

Gary Holloway casual

My thoughts lately have been on a country I have never visited that will soon be the most populous country in the world.




The Women’s DeskJulia Keith office
Julia Keith

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I didn’t. 

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logo or emailjulia@worldconvention.org for information.


Please remember to pray daily for Global Women Connecting and the lives it touches.
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Please keep Hal and Evelyn Watkins in prayer as Hal recovers from unplanned surgery following a routine examination. We understand there were no complications.
We are saddened to learn of the passing of pioneer missionary Lloyd David Sanders passed away December 2 in Brasília, Brazil, at the age of 95. Please keep all who knew and loved him in your prayers.





Reflecting the overall history and culture of India the story of the Stone-Campbell Movement in India is long, complex and difficult to quantify in present day numbers. India has long been the destination for missionaries of the Stone-Campbell Movement from the United States, Canada, Great Britain and Australia. The first Stone-Campbell Movement missionaries sent to India were four single women.



 Reaching Hand Society    

 I first met Dr. Iris Paul in the days just before 17th Global Gathering in Nashville, Tennessee. As she was guest in the living quarters of the ‘World Convention House’, office lunchtime with the Westons now included tales of mission work in India. I think you’ll find the Reaching Hand Society ministry inspirational.    ~Julia

 Amor Ministries – Women of Strength 


God has interesting ways of putting people and places together. On the ‘Women’s Desk’ of World Convention (aka Global Women Connecting), we learned about Disciples Women’s focus on human trafficking leading up to the 2014 Quadrennial. The ICOM (International Conference on Missions) hosted the women’s event, Common Ground, with speaker Carolyn Kitto of Stop the Traffik, Australia. With a prayer to link our women with this common concern, I met Gayla Congdon and Amy Mathis of Amor Ministries. Read about this ‘building’ ministry and how it put “twenty-six women from six different countries all laser focused on learning about human trafficking in India” in one place to be witnesses of Christ’s love.

 Kulpahar Kids’ Home & Christian School 


Encouraging and teaching the importance of being a good Indian citizen, Kulpahar emphasizes honesty and encourages anti-corruption. In the school and hostel they teach that playing, working and living together should bring communal harmony – EVERYWHERE.    ~Learn More~

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