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I just got back from a trip to Chile.  It was PROVIDENTIAL.  The timing of this trip coincided with too many things to have been anything else.  The first two days I was there I basically spent with Jaanz.  For those of you who don’t know Jaanz’s story I’ll share a little of that further down.  But for now, the immediate story.  

When I showed this picture to Carla when I got home her whole body sort of jumped in reaction and she sort of cried out, Whoa!.  
Jaanz is physically a shell of the man he was a few years back.  I’ll include a picture of him below in the past.
In a nut shell here is the story and his two needs.
He needs our prayers that this operation goes well.
He needs many of us to step up and help him with this operation and recovery.
I talked to him this morning and he is very emotional. I’m going to write his story in a book I’m going to call, My Journey with Jaanz;The Transformation of a Terrifying Man.

About 5-6 years back he was assaulted by four men.  He was stabbed in the back and that resulted in his losing a lung.  Friends of mine in Dallas sent him an oxygen machine that purified the air so he could breathe better with his one lung.  
Recently that machine ‘died’.
He can’t work.
He is alone.

He recently met a doctor who offered to give him the lung transplant.  He said the government would cover most all of the costs but he would have to give $1200.  He didn’t have 1200 cents.

This happened just before I arrived.  I heard his story and I said we’d find help.  I had Carla send down $1200 last Wednesday and he took it to the Doctor and they scheduled the operation for Monday.  There was no other way to do it and I asked Carla to send it in FAITH that others would help us with this.  There was this cost plus supplies he had to have to enter the hospital plus he is going to need support for a few months after they release him.  
There is so much more to the story.  If out of the graciousness of your heart you would like to help in this please let me know.  
You can send a check to :
Team Expansion
P.O. Box 21245
El Cajon, CA 92021

Designate it to “JAANZ” at the bottom left of the check.
It is tax deductible.

I called him this morning.  This is a major event and he may not survive it.  He told me he isn’t afraid but that IF he doesn’t make it he will regret not having been able to serve Jesus more.  He told me time and again how much he loves Carla and me and how we have been his parents (his died with he was 5).  He really doesn’t think he is going to make it.  Pray that he will.

He had to get some police records for the hospital/government for the operation to be approved.  At “Investigations”, the officer looking as his past history before he became a Christian, and not knowing his story since, asked him if he was going to return to doing what he had been doing before the operation, assuming it was life of crime.  Jaanz’s answer was “YES.  I’m going to return to telling people about Jesus and start my ‘drum team’ up again.”  The officer was surprised to hear that to say the least.

Please help if you can.
He will be eternally grateful.
Love in Him
John and Carla 

Below is a picture of a ‘healthy’ Jaanz 
(on the left)
In the picture above, taken the 27th of February, 2014
he is 48 years old.


The full story will come in the book I’m going to write, Lord willing,

The transformation of a terrifying man.


My story with Jaanz began in a visit to a prison in Chile.  In that and previous prisons he was known at ‘the angel of death’.  People feared him.  He was a hit man who had no remorse in killing someone if there was reason to do so.  As a result of his hearing the Gospel over several visit, he accepted Christ and we baptized him in the prison.  He become my friend in the years that followed.  While he is not a perfect man, any more than I am, and although many have doubted him along the way, I have seen God transform him from a terrifying man into a man I would trust my grandchildren with.  There are so many incredible stories of things that have happened through out my journey with him to this present day.  In the book I will write about;
Where and how my journey with him started.
His life before Jesus.
His life after being baptized into Jesus.
I really find it incredible that God allowed me to come to know him and journey with him.
God used me to help save him.  God used him in ways to help me in amazing ways in my life.
More to come.
Please help.  Sacrifice if need be.
I thank those who can in advance.
Blessing to you all.

Copyright © 2014 John Hendee, All rights reserved.