Sheffler Update
Sept. / Oct. 2017


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Ivory Coast Christian Mission
Equipping Leaders to Train More Leaders
Bob & Connie Sheffler
sponsors of

Christian Leadership Training Institute (West Africa)
Faith Way Global Outreach (Nigeria)
Grassroots Leadership Development (international)

Dear Friends and Supporters


     We are happy to introduce the new supervisor for Theological Education by Extension (TEE) in Ghana. Afrifa Konadu has been active in planting churches in northern Ghana for many years. He used the Three-Step program to train the leaders of churches he planted. He sent out those leaders to start more churches. This is the goal of our program and he did it well. Now he will use his experience and his understanding of the program to enable more church planters to train leaders and plant more churches in northern Ghana. Godfred Mintah, Administrative Director of the Institute, will oversee TEE classes in southern Ghana.

     We want to thank Training Tomorrows Leaders mission for giving us this valuable church planter. We want to thank the Local Advisory Board of Ghana (made up of leaders from independent Christian Churches) for their recommendation of Afrifa Konadu to the Board of Directors of Christian Leadership Training Institute.

     We also want to thank our supporters for making this appointment possible. Your gifts, given above and beyond your regular commitment, have enabled us to: (a) purchase a lot in Tamale for building a house and office for this important work in northern Ghana, (b) purchase a new Nissan 4X4 crewcab pickup for traveling to the northern churches to enable this leadership training program, (c) lease a house for two years in Tamale for Afrifa Konadu and his family while we can construct a house and office on the lot purchased in Tamale. We will soon begin construction with a wall around the property.


Daniel Marley, church planter, helping to clear land for new church at Kintampo, Ghana

     Land has been purchased in Kintampo, Ghana at a good location with easy access to water and electricity. Kintampo is a district capital on a major highway. Members of the new church plant have cleared the land and look forward to using it for a worship site. Funds are needed to construct a starter building. The starter building will be expandable as the congregation grows. 


Free Anti-Malaria Clinic


     Three thousand individuals who could not afford to pursue diagnosis and treatment for malaria were treated at the FAME clinic in Ekori on August 25The clinic partners with Faith Way Global Outreach Ministries directed by SundayObeten. Government agencies provided assistance with anti-malaria drugs, mosquito nets, test kits for malaria and additional personnel for the day. The clinic was a great success and now other communities are appealing for this help. It is hoped that resources will become available so that these requests can be met. 

2017 Women’s Seminar

     Over eight hundred women attended the annual seminar on the theme “Grow in the Season of Life.” This was the largest attendance to date for this annual event. The seminar was organized by Regina Obeten. 


1. Thank God that we now have a supervisor for the TEE program in northern Ghana.

2. Thank God that He has provided funds for a two year lease and the purchase of a vehicle for the new supervisor.

3. Thank God for the successful ant-malaria clinic in Nigeria

4. Pray that resources will become available to help other communities fight malaria.

5. Pray for Afrifa Konadu and his family as they move to Tamale, Ghana and begin this new ministry.

6. Pray for funds to construct a starter building for the new church plant at Kintampo, Ghana

7. Pray for those who have lost loved ones and property in the recent hurricanes and wild fires in the USA and the Caribbean Islands.

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