Sheffler Update
February 2018
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Ivory Coast Christian Mission
Equipping Leaders to Train More Leaders
Bob & Connie Sheffler
sponsors of

Christian Leadership Training Institute (West Africa)
Faith Way Global Outreach (Nigeria)
Grassroots Leadership Development (international)

Dear Friends and Supporters


We thank God that the construction of the Nursery School in Calabar is progressing because of special offerings and the large Thanks Giving offering from Rochester Christian Church toward this project.  The plastering is almost completed.  The windows and doors are ready to be installed.  The conduit for electric wires is installed.  

TWENTY-ONE DAYS OF PRAYER AND FASTING for the new year were completed and celebrated with an Agape feast and a night of Grace Experience. 

–  A retreat for the preaches and their wives was held on January 3-7

–  The first term of extension training classes (TEE) have been completed.  Covering the cost of student books is a challenge.  

– A new church will be started in March.  The Church in Nigeriaand the country of Nigeria need your prayers.  

Expanding leadership development classes in northern Ghana:  
     The Christian Leadership Training Institute is partnering with Training Tomorrows Leaders and Ghana Christian Mission to help church planters train more leaders for the Kingdom work.  
As you read this update, Afrifa Konadu, the new Supervisor for TEE in Ghana, and Godfred Mintah, the Director of Christian Leadership Training Institute, are traveling from region to region in northern Ghana to explain the TEE program and challenge church leaders to set up the extension training classes in their local congregations.  These classes enable the local leaders to be effective Elders, Deacons, group leaders, etc.  
     The TEE courses do more than teach Bible knowledge.  More importantly, they enable students to make practical application and take action.  Churches have grown and become strong witnesses in their communities because of these classes.  Many full-time workers in the Kingdom have come out of the classes.  Pray that the church planters and the leaders of the congregations will catch the vision of training more leaders for the Kingdom work. 

Quincy team encouraged the churches leaders:

The Quincy Team with Godfred Mintah, Director of the Institute

          A team of leaders from The Crossing Church in Quincy,Illinois led by Alan Rabe visited the work of Christian Leadership Training Institute.  They visited two Christian Schools in theAccra area and encouraged the students.  They visited several congregations.  
The team held a one day seminar for 50 leaders in partnership with Training Tomorrow Leaders, a church planting mission in northern Ghana.  They met with Afrifa Konadu, the Supervisor for TEE in northern Ghana.  They visited the site in Tamale where Christian Leadership Training Institute is building a home and office for the supervisor of TEE in northern Ghana.  
Alan Rabe served as a missionary in Haiti.  He set up the online classes for Hope University(formerly Pacific ChristianCollege).  He set up the online leadership development classes for The Crossing Church in QuincyIllinois.  In his retirement, he conducts online classes for both The Crossing and HopeUniversity.  


1.  Thank God that construction of the nursery school in Nigeriais progressing.

2.  Thank God that the churches in Nigeria are growing.

3.  Thank God for the encouraging visit of Alan Rabe and his team from The Crossing Church

4.  Pray for funds to complete the Nursery School.

5.  Pray for funds to build the starter building for the new congregation at Kintampo, Ghana.

6.  Pray for funds to build the house and office in northern Ghanaout of which TEE classes will be supervised.  

7.  Pray for the churches in Nigeria and the nation of Nigeria

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