Sheffler Update
December 2017


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Ivory Coast Christian Mission
Equipping Leaders to Train More Leaders
Bob & Connie Sheffler
sponsors of

Christian Leadership Training Institute (West Africa)
Faith Way Global Outreach (Nigeria)
Grassroots Leadership Development (international)

Dear Friends and Supporters

     My prayer for you in 2018 is that you will be blessed by God and stand firm by following the guidance of the Holy Spirit contained in the psalm of David below. 

     Who may stay in God’s temple or live on the holy mountain of the LORD?
     Only those who obey God and do as they should. They speak the truth and don’t spread gossip; they treat others fairly and don’t say cruel things. They hate worthless people, but show respect for all who worship the LORD. And they keep their promises, no matter what the cost. They lend their money without charging interest, and they don’t take bribes to hurt the innocent. Those who do these things will always stand firm.
   Psalm 15 (CEV)

2018 Projects
1.  Complete the nursery school in Nigeria:  $20,000 has been invested.  $30,000 is needed to finish the building and furnish it.  School fees and local donations will enable the school to be self-supporting.
2.  Construct a starter building for the Kintampo congregation:  $30,000 will be needed.
3.  Begin construction of a house with attached office for TEE supervisor on land purchased in Tamale, Ghana.  $30,000 needed in 2018. 

New Board members 
Christian Leadership Training Institute

New board members: Richard Ntim, fourth from left; Eddie Boafo, fifth from left

     New members were selected to represent the nation of Ghana on the board of Directors of the Institute.  Richard Ntim is an evangelist who started the Faith Way Christian Church and continues as its minister.  Eddie Boafo is an evangelist who started the Mayera Christian church and continues as its minister.  These two men replaced previous representatives from Ghana. They joined the board in September when important decisions were made about the future work and the goals of the Institute in four nations: Nigeria, Ghana, Liberia and Ivory Coast. 

Report from IVORY  COAST
     The TEE classes are going well at Vridi, Anono and Ebouley.  A few from the Anono women discipleship class have joined the TEE class.  

Praise and Prayer Requests

1.  Praise God for a productive 2017 in the Lord’s work.
2.  Praise God for his generous blessings during 2017.
3.  Praise God for a new year of opportunities
4.  Ask for guidance as we strive to carry out the will of God in 2018
5.  Ask God to provide resources for 2018 construction projects.
6.  Ask God to enable Afrifa Konadu to facilitate TEE in N Ghana
7.  Ask God to enable all of us to stand strong in 2018.

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