Sheffler Update
August 2014




Ivory Coast Christian Mission
Equipping Leaders to Train More Leaders
Bob & Connie Sheffler
sponsors of

Christian Leadership Training Institute
Grassroots Leadership Development

Dear Friends and Supporters


Leaders’ Retreat:

Evangelists, elders and other leaders of the Restoration Christian Church in Ghana attended a leaders’ retreat in July. The retreat is organized by the fellowship and held every two years. Over 200 attended. Sessions were held on problem solving and encouraging one another to greater efforts in evangelism and church planting.


Supervisory trip to Ivory Coast:

Stephen Ofori and Godfred Mintah of the Christian Leadership Training Institute just returned from a trip to Ivory Coast where they did some problem solving with the Anono Christian Church and met with church leaders and students of the TEE program for training and encouragement.


Chamba Church building needs a roof:

The Chamba Christian Church has managed to construct their building up to roof level through special offerings, donations and volunteer labor. The church is located in a strategic location on a main road with several churches started in surrounding villages. Kingsley Laryea is the lead evangelists who mentors the local church leaders and works to plant more churches. Only $3,000 is needed for the roof, doors and windows.



1. Thank God for the successful leaders’ retreat conducted by the Restoration Christian Churches in Ghana.

2. Thank God for the successful trip of Stephen and Godfred to Ivory Coast to encourage the churches and the leaders.

3. Thank God for the Chamba Christian Church and the village churches in the area.

4. Pray that the necessary funds can be raised to put a roof, doors and windows on the Chamba church building.

5. Pray that the churches in Ghana can grow stronger and be more effective in evangelism and church planting.

6. Most of the church planting in Ghana is in the north. Pray that those new churches can be made strong through the leadership development programs of the Christian Leadership Training Institute.

7. Pray that the Ebola outbreak in western Africa can be stopped and that those who are infected can be saved.

8. Pray for the USA that our political leaders will be more focused on what is morally right and good for the nation.

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