It’s All About Relationship

is a training in how to GO and make NEW disciples.  It is changing the lives of Christians around the world.  If you want to learn how to share the Gospel with your family, friends and acquaintances, this is the training you want to take.  If you want to find a way to train those in your ministry how to do that, this is the course you want to take.  A preacher, former missionary for 17 years took the course in January.  This summer he is training 150 adults in his congregation how to use IAAR.  He sees how this will help his congregation fulfill the Great Commission like little else will.

The next course is August 21-Oct 15.
Then October 16- Dec 17.
It is 8 weeks long.
There is no set time you have to be online.
It costs $100 to audit it.

You can sign up for the course by going to:
Sign up for:
Relational Evangelism using It’s all About Relationship/peace treaty
Class number EVG3840  / EVG5840

Who do you know that you can encourage to take this training?
Copyright © 2017 John Hendee, All rights reserved. 
You are getting this because you know John. 

Our mailing address is: 

John Hendee

469 Harbison Cyn Rd

El CajonCA 92019