FOR A MONTH

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The past couple months have been different for me.  I haven’t traveled much.  But I’ve been grateful to have the time to work on a number of projects.  It has been a preparation time for things to come.

I worked on a number of books, I reworked my on-line course, we revised the It’s All About Relationship (the new version and videos will be available when I get back from Germany), and I started working on some overseas trips in 2015 to do training with missions.
I should have another 6 books ready this fall.  I’m pretty much done with writing for now.

I will start training, teaching and speaking in Germany and keep doing that when we’re back home.

I hope to start my next on-line course from Germany with the consortium of 20 Christian Colleges.  Then I start with the Crossmont Bible Institute in Spanish in September.  I’ll be teaching evangelism.  I’ll be teaching on campus for two weeks at HIU in November as well as doing a training in Tennessee.  And there is more.

Please keep us in your prayers.  When we look at the mess this world is in, it is obvious that we, the church, need to be pushing and pressing the area of preparing Christians to share the Gospel with others.

God bless you all
Love in Him
John and Carla

The last week of our time in Germany I will be in Berlin speaking on four different topics.
1.  Relational Evangelism using It’s All About Relationship
2.  Dragon Slayers
3.  Adult Babies, and 
4.  Flies and Butterflies

I hope and pray this will be a profitable time for the folks there.  I’ll give a report in September.

The next ON-LINE course “Relational Evangelism Using It’s All About Relationship” will be offered in October.  I just finished working 4 weeks to make this course even better.  I’m getting good feedback. You will learn how to share the Good News with those you know and are interested.
It is changing the lives of Christians taking it.  If you are interested write Phil at pbtowne@hiu.edu
It could be one of the best investments you can make.
I’ve had people who have used the Peace Treaty for years take this course and find it very hellpful. I can’t encourage you enough.  PREPARE yourself.
I am more convinced than ever that Christians and Christian leaders need to read and heed what I address in this book.  Our current methods and strategies for reaching the world are so limited.  Christians DON’T KNOW NOW TO SHARE THEIR FAITH and most churches and preachers are doing little to change that.  And change it MUST.
I’ve been hearing interesting stories about people reading this book. Several have had work associates, friends or relatives see it, pick it up and started reading it and insisted they take it home with them.  They love it.  This book can change your life.  You are dealing with ‘dragon’s in your life whether you know it not.  You can order it on Amazon-Kindle or order hard copies at JohnHendee.com   
It won a prize in a Christian Book competition!  









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John Hendee

469 Harbison Cyn Rd

El Cajon, CA 92019