Ready to baptize Shah!!!!!
Shah Makik (in the middle) is from Belize.  I met him in a park in San Diego.  I was attending an event being put on by a Haitian Church.  He was standing  watching the event from a distance.  I went up and started talking to him.  Long story short; we became friends, I did IAAR with him.  We baptized him in the ocean this past Sunday.  He wants to train to become an international trainer of IAAR.
Helping with the baptism is Abraham. He is from Eritrea. We became friends over a year ago.  I have been meeting on Friday nights at Abraham’s office most weeks since we met. He is also training to become an international trainer of IAAR. Shah and Abraham both want to go on a training trip to Africa with us in the future.



Talking about personal evangelism isn’t doing it.
Teaching about it isn’t doing it.
Preaching about it isn’t doing it.
Reading about it isn’t doing it..
Tweeting about it isn’t doing it.
Writing about it isn’t doing it.
Agreeing about it isn’t doing it.
Putting it in your ‘mission statement’ isn’t doing it.
Going on short term mission trips isn’t necessarily doing it.
Going and doing nice things isn’t doing it.
Inviting people to church isn’t doing it.
Getting emotional about it isn’t doing it.
Praying for people isn’t doing it.
Posting on FB isn’t doing it.
We can easily substitute all those things in our life instead of actually doing it, face to face (as in personal) with people.



And in my 50 years experience in the church my general observation is that if a Christian isn’t equipped how to effectively reach out, initiate a conversation to see if another person is interested in hearing about the Gospel, they won’t be doing it even if they become a preacher, elder, teacher, missionary, Bible College professor, etc.  They might love the Lord passionately, know a lot about the Bible, but if they aren’t prepared to specifically share the Gospel, their efforts will be limited or nil.
The experts say that 95 % of all Christians never share the Gospel with another person in their entire life.
Knowing it needs to be done doesn’t get it done.
It starts with loving Jesus.
It moves on to loving others who are outside of Jesus.
Then there is preparing to do it effectively.
Then you have to do it.
If there is No preparation we just keep talking about it and praying others will do it.

There are a few ways you can be trained out there.  
We have one that is a proven model and method.

Jackson Nedecheck from YWAM is the one who said IAAR and the way to approach people with it is PROFOUNDLY UNIQUE.   He travels the world and knows what is out there. He wants to start a ‘movement’ out there to train Christians around the globe in how to use IAAR.

So, if you are tired of just preaching, teaching, writing, or whatever about personal evangelism and you want to be prepared to do it yourself I can only encourage you to sign up, take the Relational Evangelism online course and then go and do it.

It worked for Lisa.  Your read her story.  What more do you need?  I’ve got dozens of other testimonies if you need them.

   The next course starts October 17th, 2016.
You need to sign up at least a week before.
8 weeks long; Online; $100.00
 You do the work any time during the day/week.  
Name of course:   Relational Evangelism using It’s All About Relationship
Date of course: August 22
Class number; EVG3840/EVG5840
Copyright © 2016 John Hendee, All rights reserved.