IN FEBRUARY.  

In our current course we have missionaries, Nationals, church planters, preachers, elders and other active Christians.  
We have 4 Seniors; read about that below.  
AND YOU???  
The next course will be in FEBRUARY.  
NOW is the time to start thinking about taking the next RELATIONAL EVANGELISM using A Peace Treaty with God; It’s All About Relationship
This course is offered through Hope International University.  You can take it for under-grad or graduate credit.  You can audit it.  It is eight weeks long.  It is a great investment in your life for Jesus.  Learn how to lead other people to Jesus in a respectful, gentle way.  That is what it is all about.  
If interested write Phil at

We have people in this current course from around the world.
Help your missionaries or Nationals get some great training.  Get them signed up.  Read the story of Jamil, a National Christian leader living in a heavily populated Muslim area in Pakistan.  He is In our current course along with a missionary in Japan, a missionary in Germany, a Chilean in Chile, two Team Expansion workers and a Chilean living in the U.S.  There are others who are heavily involved in missions taking the course.
Read Jamil’s story and response to the course after two weeks.

Today I shared these presentations with a groups of 5, what a wonderful way to teach to Gospel to others. It is complete thing. All aspects are complete, why our relation is broken to God and how to restore, what Jesus Christ has done for us and why we need Him… How to get saved and who can save us.

I am confident after sharing it… I believe as I do more practice there will be more perfection. Please keep things in your prayers. I believe Pakistan is going to be different country if many people start sharing His Gospel in this unsaved world.

        The Story of Jamil in Pakistan
My Name is Jamil Thomas and I am 37, Christian and have studied the computer sciences and done Master’s in Pakistan Studies. I am happily married and father of three daughters Sarah 8, Iyra 6 and Joha 4. All are in school thanks God.

To be a Christian is not easy in Pakistan. I have been facing the discrimination, hate, religious persecution since my childhood. When I was in school the teachers, students and other village fellows called us “Easi” means a Christian and it is called by hate or to show hate that how much Muslims hate Christians. Muslims hate a lot and they do not like even to touch a Christian or to eat or sit with them. I face this hate from school level to college and university. Daily I have many offers by the Muslims to convert to Islam and still it is the situation is same. Whenever someone knows that I am a Christian, they start preaching of Islam and offer  to become Muslim.  Islamiyat is a compulsory subject from grade one to University level and anyone did not pass the Exams of Islamiyat he/she will not promoted to the next class. So, I have to study Islam too.

When I was in college and doing my graduation, there was huge pressure on me from Muslims to convert to Islam. My life was in danger and teachers, students and everyone who knows me want me to study Islam and the consequence is I started to study Islam and Quran. Things seems very good to me. I like the idea behind their prayers and other things which were in Islam or people telling me seems very good and impressive. I decided to become a Muslim when I was 22. I was just thinking what my parents would think or other people would think about me. There was no one who could teach me about Christianity, Bible or Bible Faith. One day, at night when I was in the decision making process, one thing clicked that I have studied Quran, Islam and its teachings, but I have not studied Bible. The same time I got up and start studying my Bible. I started from Genesis and in fifteen days I completed the Bible. Bible touched my heart, I started again and finished in next fifteen days. I read again and again and in three months I read it eight time. The verses clicked me and I done the comparative studies on Bible and Quran. In 1996, I do not have much helping resources to understand more about Christianity and Gospel. No internet was there, no books was available in a Muslim country, no Christian Libraries, I always in search of more knowledge of Bible and its teachings. Gradually, I recognized that why Jesus Christ laid down His life for us, who am I. It takes 8 years to me understand about Jesus and Gospel. Eight years to satisfy my inner being.

In Pakistan or its villages Christian are not literate, they are poor, they are slaves to the Muslims and living under miserable conditions and do not have access to basic needs of life. More than 98% Christians in these areas are illiterate and they are engaged in low ranks jobs, like servants of the Muslims but low rank servants, like to clean their houses, to clean the garbage, to take care of the livestock etc, many are sanitary workers, brick kiln workers, carpet industry  etc. They are so poor they do not exists in any class of the community and they never get attention towards their problems by the corrupt government or any other organization. Their children are slaves to the same masters from many generations and living under same and worst conditions from many decades.

I have been raised in these conditions, God has special hands on me that I did my schooling, college and University facing all these challenges.  I came back to my town Toba Tek Singh and started a job in 2004.  With the help and encouragement of  my Christian and like minded friends we formed a group to uplift the people in Toba Tek Singh and its surrounding outreach villages. We arranged the awareness programs among the Christian community and other deprived communities to send their children to schools. We start giving awareness regarding education. We told them if you are not sending your children to schools means you are producing more cheap laborers for your masters and they never want you to send your children to schools.

Secondly, we start preaching our people about Bible and the message of Lord Jesus Christ, these people never saw the Bible and totally unaware of the teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ and we decide to provide them a free copy of Holy Bible. we showed them the Jesus movie and other Biblical stories so they can be aware of teachings of Bible. Conditions were so worst that they were not aware to celebrate the Christmas and mostly Christians did not get a holiday from their masters and they were not allowed to pray.

Christians girls were raped everyday and force conversion to Islam is very much common. Aim4Faith Ministries took stand on this issue and raised awareness among people and fighting for their cause. 

Later on, we registered our group as name of Aim4Faith Ministries in 2008 with local and provincial government and it is working from that day to eradicate poverty, to educate the poor fellows, to give them heath awareness. It also work for the poor and needy to give their fundamental rights, human rights and fought for them in many cases.

From that day  Aim4Faith Ministries reached to more than 40,000 people.  God has blessed us to reach the folks with these blessings,

– Free Distribution of Urdu Bibles

– Free Distribution of Audio Bible CD’s in Urdu, Punjabi and Sindhi Languages

– Recording the Christian Material in audio and video formats

– Free Distribution and  Posting by mail the Bible based literature and comic books

– Education of the poor and needy children

– Uplifting the Youth and Women

– Helping and encouraging the Persecuted Christians

That is what God has used me for His work so far. People badly need a Church and church leaders here who can nourish them spiritually as well. Please keep things in your prayers that May God listen their prayers  provide them resources. It is the situation of one District or few villages. There are many many villages and areas in Pakistan where people are living in miserable conditions and they are waiting the leaders to come.

Thank you 

               CALLING ALL SENIORS;

There is something very interesting in this current course. Among those taking it are 4 Seniors!!!! One man is 75, another 74, another woman is 72 and the other is 68!!!  This is exciting.  They all want to spend the rest of their life more involved in helping others come to Jesus.  What about you?  Why not.  There ought to be hundreds of seniors taking this course.  Seniors have time (or can make it) they have experience, and we trust passion for carrying out the great commission.  
                    I’m one of you, and our time here is running out.  
                             Let’s make it count for our King!!!!
                 PAT HARTSON HAS HELPED
               PLANT 35 CHURCHES.
      HE TOOK THIS COURSE IN FEB/MAR.                         READ WHAT HE SAID.

The IAAR material is actually an answer to prayer.  Let me explain.  For the past several years I have made it my prayer to invest in things that will allow me to help make disciples who make disciples.  This is a crucial part of church planting (evangelizing in places where there are not a lot of Christian Churches [under-churched], or that lack ethnic opportunities [most of our congregations in the Christian Church are Caucasian, middle to upper class, suburban], and places that are strategically ready for rapid community growth and development.  In this ministry environment it is imperative that one has a systematic, reproducible, easily transferable teaching instrument.  The It’s All about Relationship material meets the needs that I have to be more effective in personal evangelism plus help others do the same thing.  I foresee these studies having a huge impact in our ministry as we equip others to share their faith.  
 Second comment; I am not sure that it changed my mind, since I have always seen a need for personal evangelism.  However, I somewhat fell in line with the Church culture that uses the worship service as the main evangelistic thrust.  Even those who are using the “missional Approach” still rely heavily on the “gathering”.  In many contemporary churches there is little to no evangelistic training or modeling.
I believe that this course has helped me to get back to where I want to be with a priority of reaching others with the Gospel and then making disciples who make disciples, who plant churches!  The basic challenge is; if we can train even a few dedicated personal evangelists in most of the Christian Churches, we could claim this country and the world for Christ!
Copyright © 2014 John Hendee, All rights reserved.