Dear Co-workers in the Gospel, What does faith mean to you? A team member and I had a fascinating talk about this recently. In Romans 5, Paul clearly saw faith as something inherently linked with obedience. In English, we describe faith as something we “have” — but in passages like Romans 5, it sounds like faith is something we “DO.” Think about it: Noah built an ark, Abraham got up and walked even though he knew not his final destination, Abraham offered Isaac as a sacrifice, and the Israelites crossed the Red Sea. In each instance, we see faith leaping into action. Truth is, faith in God is so powerful, it demands behavior. It’s not enough to sit in a pew (or an office chair). We must turn our faith into action. True faith has to have an Action Focus! Your Team Expansion missionary is doing just that. And by praying, encouraging, and/or giving, you’re doing the same. Thank you and may God bless! Doug