A couple weeks ago I met with a senior statesman, brother in Christ from a major Middle East country who will be in the States for a visit.  

We will meet in a mid west State here.  He was instrumental in getting the new Peace Treaty (It’s All About Relationship) translated into Arabic.  We will be discussing how to get the training to National leaders in his and other countries in the Middle East.  Be in prayer for this visit and that God will show us the best way to continue on.

This week Nathan Holt is working hard to get the
Japanese version ready.

I am working with a leader in Southern India to get the lessons into a number of dialects there.  I hope to meet with him in October.  He is working on the translation now.
A couple weeks ago I was in Seattle and met a group of Philippine/Americans.  I was amazed to find out that they have been using the Peace Treaty for decades.  They were trained by their preacher years ago.  We are also working on a version for the Philippines.


We have the new Spanish Version of SE TRATA DE UNA RELACION, ready.  We hope to have the videos ready real soon too.  As soon as they are we will post it all on the web site,
A reminder.  We have our next on-line class which I teach coming up June 2 – July 28.
If you are interested write Phil Towne now and let him know.
This course could change your life and your ministry.
Come join me.
If you have some questions write me;
Take it yourself, with a group from your staff, ministry or congregation.


I’ll be at HIU this week and next teaching the new Peace Treaty (It’s All About Relationship) to four different classes of students.  I’m working on improving a few things on the on-line class too.  I’m working on my next book “The Church is NOT Training Disciples to Go and Make Other Disciples”,  We continue working on foreign versions of the PT.

On my trip to Seattle I was invited to speak at next years Philippine/American Christian Convention.  

Keep us in your prayers.  There is a lot going on right now.
Thanks to all those who are helping support what we are doing.
God bless you all
For the King
Our Father


Dear Co-workers in the Gospel, What does faith mean to you? A team member and I had a fascinating talk about this recently. In Romans 5, Paul clearly saw faith as something inherently linked with obedience. In English, we describe faith as something we “have” — but in passages like Romans 5, it sounds like faith is something we “DO.” Think about it: Noah built an ark, Abraham got up and walked even though he knew not his final destination, Abraham offered Isaac as a sacrifice, and the Israelites crossed the Red Sea. In each instance, we see faith leaping into action. Truth is, faith in God is so powerful, it demands behavior. It’s not enough to sit in a pew (or an office chair). We must turn our faith into action. True faith has to have an Action Focus! Your Team Expansion missionary is doing just that. And by praying, encouraging, and/or giving, you’re doing the same. Thank you and may God bless! Doug


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You are getting this because you know John.

Our mailing address is:

John Hendee

469 Harbison Cyn Rd

El Cajon, CA 92019