Who can handle it?

       Is there someone you could pass this on to?


It is so good to find someone, notable, who is blowing the same trumpet call I am. Following is a Podcast by Thom Ranier. You can see more detail on his web site.

                            HE NAILS IT.  
          I make a some comments in blue.    

10 Questions to Diagnose the Evangelistic Health of Your Church – Rainer on Leadership #305

Podcast Episode #305

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Evangelism in the church is waning, so today we cover 10 questions you can use to determine the evangelistic health of your church. 
           Some highlights from today’s episode include:

  • Relational evangelism without a gospel presentation is not really evangelism.  In my Relational Evangelism using It’s All About Relationship, we train people how to ‘relate’ to others with the goal of sharing the Gospel.
  • Once you move people to an outward focus, they stop thinking about themselves as much. But they have to be equipped to reach out or it is not likely to happen.  You will only move them when you have equipped them to share the Gospel. And you don’t have to ‘reinvent the wheel’ in how to do this. We have a proven model and method.  While working in S.A. we observed that the number of people ‘making decisions or announcing them on Sunday was in relation to the number of people we were doing IAAR studies with during the week.
  • Many people don’t pray for lost people by name because they don’t know anyone outside their holy huddle. I’ve had many Christian leaders (pastors, college profs, mission agency leaders).tell me they spend most all their time with Christians.
  • We should be praying for eternal issues as much as (if not more than) temporal issues.
  • Becoming evangelistic requires getting outside of your comfort zone.  We show how to do that in our Relational Evangelism course.  It is  not street evangelism.  One woman student wrote that learning our method was like finding the “secret sauce” in her Christian life.
  • When you’re a good evangelistic leader in a church, you’re probably leading outwardly.
  • Small groups should be one of the most evangelistic tools a church has. Actually ALL ministries in the church should be evangelistic and have people in their area trained in Relational Evangelism; they all have different contacts/prospects; Leaders of SS, home groups, sports, music, Celebrate Recovery,  youth, children, etc.
  • The priority of the leaders will become the priority of the church.  And that is why personal evangelism is ‘waning in the church.’ And ‘priority’ means personally doing it!

The 10 questions we cover are:

  1. Are members more concerned about the lost than their own preferences and comfort?
  2. Is the church led to pray for lost persons?
  3. Are the members of the church open to reaching people who don’t look or act like them? 
  4. Do conflicts and critics zap the evangelistic energy of the church?
  5. Do small groups and Sunday school classes seek to reach lost persons within their groups? Are they trained how to do that?
  6. Is the leadership of the church evangelistic? Including elders and staff? If they aren’t trained, probably not.
  7. Do the sermons regularly communicate the gospel?  But it can’t be limited to the preaching.  Most unbelievers in your community don’t come to hear the sermons.
  8. Are there ministries in the church that encourage members to be involved in evangelistic outreach and lifestyle?  It shouldn’t be SOME ministries, but all of them.
  9. Have programs become ends in themselves rather than means to reach people?  People reach people; equipped, committed people.
  10. Is there any process of accountability for members to be more evangelistic?                                                                                                                                   How is that potato?                                                                                                                                                                                                     Amen and amen Thom!!                                      My response to all this is as follows; IF your people aren’t trained or equipped in an effective method and model of personally sharing the Gospel, they won’t, regardless of how often and strongly you preach about it.
You can start building passion for personal evangelism, making NEW disciples now by starting to get your people trained in it.  Sign up a group from your church to take the upcoming Relational Evangelism course.
It starts March 20.  
8 weeks long.
Mar 20 – May 21



 You need to sign up at least a week before the class begins.
The class is 8 weeks long; Online; $100.00 to audit.
You do the work any time you choose during the day/week.  
Name of course:   Relational Evangelism using It’s All About Relationship
Date of course: March 20
Class number; EVG3840/EVG5840

Thom S. Rainer, President and CEO of LifeWay Christian Resources, and who previously served at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary for twelve years where he was the founding Dean of the Billy Graham School of Missions and Evangelism, wrote this article originally published at on February, 2017.   Thom S. Rainer serves as president and CEO of LifeWay Christian Resources. Among his greatest joys are his family; his wife Nellie Jo; three sons, Sam, Art and Jess; and nine grandchildren. Dr. Rainer can be found on Twitter@ThomRainer and at
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