Many years ago I heard the comment that “going and sitting in a church service doesn’t make you a Christian anymore than walking into a barn makes you a cow!”
While the IAAR lessons are primarily to equip Christians to share the Gospel with  unbelievers outside of the 4 walls of the congregation, they can also serve to help insure that those who are sitting in our services, classes and groups understand and are personally encouraged to come to Jesus.  
Let me share THREE experiences of current students about this.

A lady taking the online course right now that I teach shared the following experience.  As part of an assignment, she was practicing sharing the 4 lessons with a man who attends her congregation.  Read what she wrote.
At the end of session 3 I used the questions from the “Marriage and Christianity” page to determine where he was in the process of accepting God’s friendship and love…. I discovered that He does believe that Jesus is the Son of God but he has not surrender his life to Him. I asked if he could identify the reason for that. He said that he feels an internal conflict with 2 voices speaking to him, one says “say yes”, and the other says “say no”. He feels that now he understands some things better and may be closer to a point of decision but he is not quite there yet. I talked about how we are in a spiritual battle where the flesh and the spirit are against each other and we cannot let our feelings decide out eternal destiny. 
* Then at the end of session 4 , the last lesson, I asked him if he had reconsidered accepting Christ into his life and he said that he is still not ready for it but that he appreciates very much the clear explanation of what Christianity is about. 
(Here are more INTERESTING details the lady shared about this man.)
* The odd thing about this man is that he has come to church consistently for over 6 years, he attends my small bible study group almost every week and he has invited more people to church that many of us: most of his brothers and sisters have come to church because of him as well as friends and neighbors, and some of them have made a commitment for Christ.
 Here is part of my response to what she wrote:
That is quite a story about the man you are studying with.  Our churches are filled with people who have never been worked with or taught individually, and they need help, direction, teaching and encouragment.  Doing the IAAR with them can make a huge difference  for them in many ways.   You have helped clarify for him what Jesus wants him to do now: not just attend church (sit in the barn) but become a disciple in action.

A preacher friend of mine who has used IAAR for decades recently told me of an experience he had.  He offered to share the 4 lessons of IAAR with a man who had been attending his servcies for at least a year.  The man accepted the offer.  At the end of the lessons the man enthusiastically commented on how helpful the lessons were and how he understood Christianity so much better now.  What blew my preacher friend away was that he told me he had been preaching strongly on the Gospel and what it all means for the past year that the man had been attending the services.  It just showed him again and confirmed for him how sitting down with people, giving them the personal attention and sharing in depth about the Gospel can make all the difference in the world.  It wasn’t that the preaching wasn’t good.  But the time we spend and the information and style we use in sharing IAAR can make all the difference in the world EVEN for the people who are sitting in the pew every Sunday.  
We are commanded to MAKE DISCIPLES.  Most of that can’t happen ‘long distance’ from the pulpit.

The following is a comment from a person who is serving as a Mentor to a student taking the course. They meet once a week with them to pray with them and interact with them on what they are learning.  This is what the MENTOR wrote about IAAR.
Even in Church everybody needs to hear these presentations.  The fact that people go to church for years doesn’t mean they are Christians or know how to share their faith.  Thank you Jesus for leading Mercedes (the student) to choose me to participate as her mentor.  I repent of my passivity in evangelism and pray for a renewed desire to go out and talk to others about you.



It will start June 1st.  
The Pre-registration deadline is
MAY 18th.

To sign up write Phil at
It is $50 to audit it and $300 to take it for college credit.
If you have any questions write me at
If you haven’t seen the info at the end, below, check it out.
This will soon be available for 
This six month study is good for all Christians but it is especially designed for those we take through IAAR and see them become disciples of Jesus.  It takes them onto the next steps and helps them learn about the basics of their new relationship with Jesus.
We will soon let you know where you can download it for free. 
This would also be a great study for your Home Groups or Youth or Adult S.S.
While this

stands on it’s own as it addresses and explains a proven model and tool for making disciples in the 21st Century, it is also a companion to training in how to use
  IT’S ALL ABOUT RELATIONSHIP. You will be able to order it soon.  We will let you know.  Dr. James Scott, Jr. shares observations about necessary ingredients to make disciples today.

Effective disciple-making for the 21st century  A Course in “Relational Evangelism”  Jesus Christ was concise and clear in commissioning His church: “… Go and make disciples of all the nations.” At Hope International University (HIU), we believe that an essential part of being a highly effective disciple-maker is being well prepared to share one’s faith.  One way to do this is our online “Relational Evangelism” course offered through our School of Advanced Leadership Training (SALT).  More than 35 years ago, John Hendee developed a comprehensive model for equipping Christians in how to make new disciples by being trained how to use “A Peace Treaty With God”.  He developed this while serving as Minister of Evangelism at Central Christian Church in Mesa, AZ.  Since then many people who have been trained in the use of this model have used it to lead thousands of people into a covenant relationship with Jesus Christ among people of different cultures around the world.  Recently, this approach has been revised, updated, and renamed as “It’s All About Relationship” (IAAR). It is a powerful model for effective twenty-first century disciple making/evangelism. The IAAR model employs a deceptively simple-looking (but biblical!) process that has embedded within it a highly effective relational approach for creating opportunities to share the Gospel one-on-one using a comprehensive but concise and powerful tool to make new disciples.    Individuals and groups of any size may take the course through HIU’s Open Class course format for only $50 per person.  This course can also be taken for credit at a cost of $300 (for Bachelors or Masters level credit).  Churches wanting to transition to being a disciple-making church will find this course exactly what they need to train an army of ambassadors for Christ to be effective in sharing the Gospel.        John Hendee is also working on launching an ambassador’s support and coaching network which course participants will be invited to be part of as a way to help you be successful at applying your training once you leave the virtual classroom. We want to see you succeed in reaching the lost in your own communities for Jesus Christ!        To sign up for the course, contact Phil Towne at If you have questions about this training opportunity, contact John Hendee directly at  
Copyright © 2015 John Hendee, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:

John Hendee

469 Harbison Cyn Rd

El Cajon, CA 92019