Books & More Keeps Growing and Growing

May 2014 records were broken and new heights were reached in the library.

Ø  609 patrons and visitors used the library; this is the most ever for one month in our four year history

Ø  In May our membership units grew to 400 and has since grown to 402.  Keep in mind that many are family memberships and this number represents several hundred individuals

Ø  We have 17,322 barcodes on DVDs and books.  New items are being donated daily and we do not have shelf room for everything.  We will give some to smaller libraries starting elsewhere or to schools, orphanages, individuals or other places and/or people who need them.


Let us share a poem composed by one of our young readers; she and her family come visit the Library faithfully.



By Anaya Marei


                                                                                Go look at Books and More

                                        For the books that you adore.


                                        Choose which books you like best

Novel, Animal, or books of a quest.


A story will tell you many a tale

Of fable, mystery, or fairy tale.


Of many a land

Of forests with trees and beaches with sand.


Because books are a glory

And tell many a story.


Thank You, Books and More,


For opening this door.