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Coming Up This Week
Mon. May 23rd – Devotional
Doubt happens. Uncomfortable, unexpected, up-ending doubt. “Doubt” is a word that’s been shrouded for many years as taboo in the Church. It’s looked down upon. It’s brushed off as unimportant or invalid. It’s bottled up and locked inside the hearts of the everyman, only to explode later down the road. 
What happens when your faith runs out? This week’s Monday Devotional is sure to be an encouragement for anyone and everyone. 

Click the graphic above to read more.

Wed. May 25th – Project Story

The fire swept away the island city of Kyauk Kar, which consisted of [more than] 600 houses…with 1540 persons who lost all their possessions in the fire.
Fire is an underestimated force of nature, destroying the homes of thousands around the world every year.
Find out more about the way your generosity is providing a happy ending to families in Myanmar who lost their homes–check the News blog this Wednesday!
IDES, P.O. Box 379, 355 Park 32 West Dr., Noblesville, IN 46061