Featured Gift Catalog Item 
– Clean Water Well –
Water. For us, it’s cold, clean, immediate, and refreshing. For those less fortunate, it’s dried-up, dirty, hours away, and a burden.
Instead of taking for granted such a basic necessity, we can partner together to make an enormous difference in the lives of those who are in dire need of clean water. Through the IDES Gift Catalog, you can be a part of the solution.

Monday, March 7th – Staff Devotional
“Abide” is defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary in three parts:  
1) to accept or bear, 
2) to stay or live somewhere, and 
3) to remain or continue. Find out how this applies to our relationship with Jesus Christ in this week’s Staff Devotional now on our News page!

Wednesday, March 9th – Project Story
“Never Thirst Again: Worldwide”
This week’s Project Story is a special feature on multiple clean water-related projects completed by IDES in the past several months. 
A guaranteed encouragement, these stories are reported in such a way as to keep you informed about the impact your support is making throughout the world in the name of Jesus Christ. Check the News page on our website this coming Wednesday!
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P.O. Box 379 / 355 Park 32 West Dr.
Noblesville, In 46061
IDES, P.O. Box 379, 355 Park 32 West Dr., Noblesville, IN 46061