See First-Hand How Your Generosity is Changing Lives in India


Recently, two staff members were blessed with the opportunity to visit several of IDES’ mission partners currently working throughout India.


This is what they witnessed.


Click the photo or the button below to experience the full photo – presentation.

7 Ways to Help Your Kids 
Become Good Stewards



As followers of Jesus, we want to pass our faith along to our children and grandchildren.

Children (like adults) learn best by example.  Thankfully, many aspects of our walk with Christ such as daily prayer and treating others with respect are easily modeled.

Stewardship can be a bit more challenging.  Here are a few ideas for helping your precious little ones understand how we respond to God’s blessings:

  1. When they see you place your offering in the plate at church, take time later in the day to discuss what that means
  2. Give younger children an appropriate amount to share when offerings are collected in their Sunday School class or Wee Worship session
  3. As older children receive an allowance or earn money for chores at home, encourage them to give according to their income
  4. In family devotion times, discuss passages such as Matthew 6:19-21, Mark 12:41-44, and II Corinthians 9:6,7
  5. When you write a check or go online to support Christ-centered organizations outside the local church, occasionally talk about why those causes are important to you, and how your gift will meet needs in Jesus’ name
  6. At Christmas or other special occasions, give your kids a “Bless Others Bonus” and allow them to choose items from IDES’ On-line Gift Catalog; talk about how each gift they select will bless those who receive it
  7. Spend time praying with your kids, asking God to bless your gifts in a way that those who are helped understand His love for them, and have the opportunity to know Him as their God and Savior
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