Welcome, David!

We are excited to introduce you to our newest staff member, David Stine – Director of Operations.

Click his picture to find out more about him!
Hunger Still Exists
Hunger Relief Items – Gift Catalog
Every cent makes an impact in the fight against hunger and malnutrition. With constant conflict in the east, and severe droughts occurring worldwide, there is a significant need for emergency food assistance. You can be the difference!

Click the image to donate an item such as rice, beans, cornmeal, milk, cooking pots, and staple foods. 
General Hunger Relief Fund
There are multiple ways to provide food to those who are hungry and hurting through IDES. No matter which avenue you choose, you can be sure that 100% of your donation will be used for your intended designation.

Click the image to make a donation to the General Hunger Relief Fund.
You Can Multiply the Impact of your Gifts!
If your employer offers gift matching, please send us a link to the charity enrollment page and program guidelines:  ides@ides.org
Coming Up this Week
“Beggars and Bread” – NEW Staff Devotional – Monday, March 21st

“As Jesus-followers, we are the recipients of immense charity. We are beggars. Jesus is our Bread, our source of life. The least we can do is point other beggars in the right direction.” This week’s Staff Devotional focuses on the honor of being included in God’s plan for drawing the lost to Himself. Click the picture above to read more!

How to Fight Hunger with Your Heart: Africa – NEW Project Story – Wednesday, March. 23rd
“This food distribution will literally save lives and because food is being given to those outside the church as well we pray it will open doors for those who don’t know Christ to learn of Him who provides, not only for physical life but for Eternal life!!” Hunger still exists, but it shouldn’t. Due to the ongoing drought in several countries in Africa, the threat of famine is lurking over families on a daily basis. This kind of devastation has not been seen since the 1980s, and the need for food assistance is extreme. How can you personally join the fight against hunger and malnutrition? Find out this Wednesday on our News blog.

IDES, P.O. Box 379, 355 Park 32 West Dr., Noblesville, IN 46061