New Staff Member

We are so excited to welcome Joe Brackemyre, from Wilmington, Ohio to the IDES Staff family. 
Joe will be fulfilling the role of GAP Program Director for the ministry.(Chase Cotten, our previous GAP Program Director, will now be devoting his full time and energy into his new role as Media Director.
Click on his picture to find out more about him! 
This Week
Mon. June 6th – Devotional
Whatever it is, you just can’t shake it. The nagging, upsetting, stomach-churning anxiety over something being not quite right in your sphere of influence. Do you know the feeling? Do you ever feel trapped inside your own head, wrestling with questions of how to respond and how to find your way back to Jesus?

You are not alone.

Click the graphic above to read more of this week’s encouraging Monday Devotional.

Wed. June 8th – Project Story

Forty five families lost their homes and twenty five families did not have a place to go so they are living in an abandoned school. With the donations that we are receiving our goal is to build 15 to 20 houses ($3,000 each house). We are also sharing the Gospel with them. We not only want to help them physically our goal is to fulfill their need spiritually.”
Find out more about the ongoing response to the recent earthquake in Ecuador–this coming Wednesday on our News blog.
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Special Request – Seeking SonFish
If your church has a box of SonFish banks gathering dust in the closet, and you are within an hour of Noblesville, IN we could use your help.

Normally, IDES’ priority is to get our SonFish banks to your church. But due to a temporary supply interruption, we need to retrieve banks from your church if they are not being used.
We have requests for several hundred banks which need to be sent out before our next shipment will arrive later this summer.

If you could help us with this need, please call IDES office at 317-773- 4111 and ask for Debbie. You can also send an email to

Thank you for your help!

IDES, P.O. Box 379, 355 Park 32 West Dr., Noblesville, IN 46061