This Week
Mon. June 13th – Devotional
In response to the tragic shooting in Orlando, Florida, we wanted to share a message of hope.
“In the face of evil and hatred, hope and light still exist. Even if you can’t see it at first, it’s there. Even though the wounds are still fresh, healing has already begun.”

Click the graphic above to read more of this week’s Monday Devotional.

Wed. June 15th – Project Story

The refugees who had abandoned their villages to escape the fighting between government troops and the rebels left without any provisions or materials for housing and food storage. There were two villages which were served. The first village is called ‘Dump Village’ because it is located on the large dump of the refugee camp.”
Our brothers and sisters in Thailand are continuing to reach and serve the desperately poor refugee families fleeing the violence in Myanmar. Find out more about this long-term project this coming Wednesday on our News blog.
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