Hurricane Harvey Response Update – 9/5/17
Gift Challenge Met, the Need Continues
By God’s marvelous grace, the $50,000 matching gift challenge which we announced last Wednesday has been met!
Thank you to all who contributed in such a generous and timely way to care for the needs of Texas families who have suffered such great loss.
The needs in areas affected by Hurricane Harvey are great. IDES partnership with Christian Churches in the affected communities will continue for months to come. Our first two shipments of sheds are on their way this week. The purpose of the sheds is for affected families to store whatever belongings that can be saved or salvaged after an initial disaster has struck, and to be used as tools for the local church to reach out into its own community during a time of need in the name of Jesus Christ. They stand as a physical symbol of hope, the first step in the rebuilding process.
We remain in need of your ongoing financial and prayerful support as we continue to meet needs and show Christ’s love to those impacted by this disaster.
To share a much needed gift today, please click the link below.

How Disasters are Opportunities to Share Christ
After a massive disaster like Hurricane Harvey, there are thousands of people in need of physical help and spiritual hope. Some are grieving the loss of loved ones, some are desperate after losing their homes. All of them are hurting deeply. Some may already know Jesus, but many do not. 
Times such as these present a unique opportunity for the Church as the whole world watches. There are two basic responses that Jesus-followers may choose:
1) Turn in, or 2) Reach out. 
Learn more in this motivating devotional blog at the button below.

Turning the Page in Haiti
“After the Hurricane we were very discouraged and didn’t know where to start,” our partner said. “We can now turn the page slowly and look forward.”
This turning of the page and forward-looking is thanks to your love and generosity. Read more of this story at the button below.

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