IDES’ staff members recently returned from the Houston, TX area, but the hard work of recovery continues.
Thanks to the hundreds of volunteers from local churches in the area, 30 storage sheds were built for families whose homes were damaged by flooding. The sheds can be used for safely storing belongings while one’s home is being repaired. This gift allows a recipient to save hundreds of dollars per month on storage solutions and to put that money towards their recovery.
We were blessed to sit down with Dottie and Woody who received a shed, as well as Deborah (a.k.a. “Nanna”) who received a shed, as they shared their stories with us which you can view at the link below.
In the coming weeks and months, we will continue to assist financially and physically in Texas. Please continue to pray for all of the families who have been affected.
You are making hope possible! We could not do this without you