August 29, 2015, marks the tenth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, one of the deadliest storms in US history. Katrina left miles of destruction along the Gulf coast. More than 1800 people died, and many more were left grieving and homeless. IDES repaired over 100 houses in the Slidell, LA, area and then focused our ministry in Pearlington, MS. Volunteers from across the nation came to help with the recovery efforts. 36 new homes were built in Pearlington, and a New Testament church was planted in the community.

Jon & Kim Collins with their children, Isaac, Josiah, and Emily, have been faithfully serving at Pearlington Christian Church now for almost seven years. Jon’s mom, Jean, also moved to Pearlington to support their family. They’ve experienced several baptisms and victories, and have a growing children’s ministry. The church averages about 35 in attendance, but they struggle financially. Could you bless the Pearlington Christian Church with a $10 gift in remembrance of this tenth anniversary? If each volunteer and prayer warrior who participated in the Pearlington rebuild would now contribute to this love offering, we could make a significant impact on the continued Kingdom work in this community!


If you or your church can give, do so by clicking below:

Once you enter the donation page under gift information select “Pearlington Project” in the drop down program field.

If you prefer to donate by check, please mail your gift to:
P.O. Box 379
Noblesville, IN, 46061-0379
Write “Pearlington” on the memo line of your check

Contact Info                                                                  
International Disaster Emergency Service
P.O. Box 379
Noblesville, IN