Medical Care

In countries suffering from war and violence, medical assistance and healthcare is often completely inaccessible for certain families.
IDES’ partner missions use medical clinics, kits, and supplies to reach out to these families and meet their physical needs in order to open the door to share the Gospel of Jesus. Click the picture to help through our gift catalog!
Coming up this Week
Mon, April 4th – Staff Devotional
Last week on Easter Sunday, 74 people were brutally murdered by a suicide bomber in Lahore, Pakistan. More than 300 more were injured. The large majority of the victims were women and children. As Jesus-followers, what should our response be? Click the graphic to read more.
Wed, April 6th – Project Story
Medical [clinics] are the best way to share the word of God to other Nations,” our partner in Pakistan reported. Check our website this Wednesday to find out more about how your  partnership with IDES is impacting the lives of those with little access to necessary medical care.

Looking for More Ways to Give?
IDES can accept gifts of appreciated stock and other assets. Contact us at 317-773-4111 for details.
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IDES, P.O. Box 379, 355 Park 32 West Dr., Noblesville, IN 46061