Thank you

 for praying for those whose lives have been severely shaken by these two disasters. IDES missionary partners in both Japan and Ecuador are on the scene assisting with recovery efforts and assessing the long-term needs.

You can help the families affected right now by donating to provide basic necessities like food, water, blankets, and shelter. 

Caring for our brothers and sisters in their time of crisis is critical. Relationships of trust can be built, opening opportunities for further ministry. IDES is mobilizing resources to strengthen the witness of Christians who are offering help and hope to these victims. 

Please continue to partner with us through your prayers and your generous contributions!

Donate to the “Disaster Response” Fund here:       

Be sure to designate to either “Japan Earthquake” or “Ecuador Earthquake” in the “Additional Information/Other Comments” section. 
IDES, P.O. Box 379, 355 Park 32 West Dr., Noblesville, IN 46061