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Special Sermon Series Announcement

Knowing that ICOM was coming to Richmond, VA, this fall, some preachers on the east coast were spurred to think about using ICOM as a launching pad for a multi-church sermon series campaign focused on the persecuted church. They formed a Facebook Group and began sharing ideas and inviting other preacher friends to to join in the effort. Once we caught wind of what was being developed, we contacted some of the organizers and asked what can we do to help promote this campaign, we think it is great! The theme being developed is “Church on Fire – A Series on the Persecuted Church”  If you have an interest in participating in this collective effort, all materials will be posted in the download section on the ICOM website. For right now, you can join the Facebook Group and see what things have been discussed already. They have done graphics, sermon outlines, song suggestions, special activities, and more. You can find the Facebook Group here. Be on the lookout for upcoming ICOM blog posts and the announcement  that materials are available for download on the ICOM website.

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