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Workshops @ ICOM

Each year we strive to present the most relevant topics at ICOM. We try to cover as much of what is going on in the missions realm as possible. This is one of the areas where ‘Enlist’ is highlighted in ICOM’s goals to “Encourage. Equip. Enlist.” 

This year we are proud to announce that we have new tracks that will focus more on media and technology, displaced people groups, an introduction to missions & more! These tracks will be full of experts in these fields that are excited to share with the ICOM attendees.

As always, we want to offer tracks that are general missions topics, too. We have tracks such as Going Deeper With God, Prayer, Urban, Human Trafficking, Community Development, Short Term Missions, Church Planting & more!

We will have all the workshops in the ICOM app before the conference even starts!! You’ll be able to plan out what 6 workshops you want to attend.


Exhibits @ ICOM

When surveyed and asked what was their favorite part of ICOM, the overwhelming response from past ICOM attendees was the Exhibit Hall!

Where else can you learn about so many different countries, types of mission works, scout out college possibilities, meet up to talk about an internship, become a prayer warrior, speak with people from all over the world and even grab a piece of candy or 2 or 3 or 4?! Not many places offer a truly cross-cultural and cross-representation of global missions as the ICOM exhibit hall does!

We will also be loading these exhibits into our app! You’ll be able to see their booth number, website & contact information all from the app. 

Do you have the ICOM app yet?? Get it today in the app stores below.

Apple App Store

Google Play Store

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Get in touch with Kelsey Davis to receive printed materials!


Call: 317-539-4231
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Stay tuned to learn about this year’s main session and testimony speakers. Looking forward to sharing more with you in 2 weeks! 

-The ICOM Team

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