New Pre-Con Option Available for ICOM 2016!

We have had such a tremendous response to our Reset 2: The Disciple Making Tour, so we have developed a plan moving forward that will offer more opportunities for you to see what all the hype is about!  Last year at ICOM, we offered a pre-con teaching the 4 chair discipling method that was called the Muvement Seminar, which was led by Dann Spader.  This year at ICOM in Lexington, we will be splitting the Muvement Seminar into two different pre-cons to better meet your needs and efficiently continue the teaching of the 4 chair discipling method.  Check out the 2 different options below! 

Muvement Seminar- 4 Chair Discipling: Thurs 10am – 3pm

This pre-con is the basic 4 Chair Discipling presentation shared from the Reset 2 Tour.  In this presentation, the foundation is laid as to how Jesus discipled the apostles.  Jesus gave us the method in how he led them in the 3.5 years that he spent with them during his ministry.  Dann Spader, the author of the 4 Chair book, will begin this session and Randy Nash will teach the remaining bulk of the seminar.  You must attend this presentation before moving on to the Metamorphosis seminar.  Sponsored by Reset.  $55 Registration fee (which includes the 4 Chair Discipling book!)

Thurs 9am – 5pm

(You must have previously completed the Muvement Seminar- 4 Chair Discipling to attend).

This seminar takes the 4 chair discipling method even further, and will be more about structure and implementation of the 4 steps of spiritual growth from the 4 Chair book. Dann will begin this session with a little recap of what has brought us all together, and then Kevin Boll will share the nuts and bolts about structuring and organizing your church to help make disciples. Sponsored by Reset. $55 Registration fee.


If you have already attended the Muvement Seminar- 4 Chair Discipling and your church is pursuing this design for making disciples in your church, then you may want to consider attending the 4 Chair certification seminar.  It will be held in Lexington, KY on August 31, from 10am to 4pm.  The cost is $85.00 which includes your lunch.  Please write: if you plan to attend so that we can make sure to have enough material and meals for everyone. 
We hope you will join us early in Lexington for one of our eight pre-con event options! Click Here to see information regarding all of our pre-cons this year.  Don’t wait- Register Now! We look forward to seeing you at ICOM 2016 in Lexington, KY Nov. 17-20!
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