Follow Up to 2015 – Read Below!!


Thank you Greg Swinney for sharing this with us. Read this excerpt from something that was a direct result of 2015 ICOM!


“Hello.  My husband and I attended ICOM in Richmond, VA a few weeks ago and attended your workshop on Hosting Internationals in your home.   We met a man from a church in Lexington, KY who gave us a contact person at University of Kentucky.  We contacted him and at first thought we were close to hosting some students in our home. He was very helpful and within an hour or so had the name of a student who wanted to come to our home for a meal.   

So, we hosted two UK students from China for Thanksgiving dinner.   It was a wonderful experience for us and hopefully for them.  We were able to share some of the US thanksgiving traditions as well as our thankfulness for the Lord and His blessings.   We hope to have them back again in the future.   They had never been in an American home! (just as you said was the case of most international students)

Thank you for your ministry and your help in getting us started on this exciting ministry of hosting internationals in our home.”

Blessings, Marlene K.

Anyone recognize the picture below!? Do you remember waiting in line to reserve your booth space for the next year’s conference?? Some waited for hours!!

Not anymore!
We are thrilled to provide our exhibitors with online registration!!

2016 Exhibitor Registration Opens Online,  Monday December 14th, 
12 pm Noon, EST!!


Will we see you in Lexington??
Click here to see the 2016 Exhibitor Terms and Conditions.
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