Check out our 2016 Pre-Con events!

We are so excited to be offering EIGHT pre-con events this year at ICOM in Lexington, KY!   Be sure to head to conference early to join in the excitement!  Pre-con events will begin on Wednesday, November 16 and continue on Thursday, November 17.

Standards of Excellence In Short-Term Missions (SOE): Wed 6p-9p/ Thurs 9a-5p

The Standards Introductory Workshop is an 8-10 hour seminar designed to help adoptive members understand how they can incorporate and achieve competence in all Seven Standards. It also provides a review of how to form and manage a Peer Review process, should a member organization desire to pursue full accreditation. The workshops are taught by experienced SOE trainers (usually two). They are interactive, use case studies and small group discussions. MISTM-grid theory and the supporting principles behind the standards are reviewed. Cost is $50 after registration for ICOM.

Disciple Making Movements: Wed 8a-5p – Thurs 8a-5p
This Pre-Con will equip you to make reproducing disciples among the unreached peoples of the world (international focus).  Led by Eric Derry.  $35 registration fee (Limited to 36 people).

Mission Trainers: Thurs 9a-3p

This Forum is a gathering of those who train workers for field service, whether as professors, counselors, or mobilizers.  $25 registration fee (payable upon arrival).   Email Doug Priest, Executive Director of CMF, for more information and registration.

Community Health Evangelism (CHE) – Wed 9a-4p/ Thurs 9a-3p

This seminar includes small-group interaction, problem solving, and self-discovery, while increasing understanding of the CHE process.  Sponsored by FAME.  $30 registration fee.  Led by Bill Warren, Terry Dalrymple & Bryan Benz.

Muvement Seminar – 4 Chair Discipling: Thurs 10a-3p

This Pre-Con builds upon the material from the 4 Chair Discipling book by Dann Spader, shared during ICOM’s Reset 2 Tour, calling American Churches to disciple the way Jesus discipled. We will look at how Jesus built a movement of multiplying disciples. Sponsored by Reset.  $55 registration fee. Dann Spader will begin this session  and then Randy Nash will teach the bulk of this seminar, having been trained and certified to do so.

Mobilizing Your Church For International Student Outreach: Thurs 9a-3:30p

Come learn about how we can reach foreign college students for Jesus Christ and challenge them to serve His Kingdom.  Sponsored by Crossroads International. $10 registration fee. Led by Greg Swinney.

For Missionaries Only (FMO): Wed 5p-9p/ Thurs 8a-12p
This Pre-Con is a time for missionaries to minister to other missionaries.  We pray that this will be a time of personal and spiritual healing and growth for each one.  Sponsored by ICOM.  NO registration cost.  Led by Margaret and Paul Pennington.
Free Wednesday night hotel stay! (Reimbursement after forms submitted to ICOM)
Free Wednesday night dinner (sponsored by Kairos) & Thursday morning continental breakfast!


Metamorphosis: Thurs 9a-5p

(You must have previously completed the Muvement Seminar: 4 Chair Discipling to attend) This will be from 9 am to 5 pm on Thursday.  It will be more about structure and implementation of the 4 steps of spiritual growth from the 4 Chair book. Dann Spader will begin this session with a little recap of what has brought us all together, and then Kevin Boll, will share the nuts and bolts about structuring and organizing your church to help make disciples.$55 Registration fee.

*Registration check-in will be located at the High Street entrance of the Lexington Convention Center. It will be open from 7:30 am – 6:30 pm on Wednesday and 7:30 am – 10:00 am on Thursday.
Join Jessi Vance and Mosaik for a special program designed just for you throughout Pre-Cons and the conference. Mosaik will provide MK Teens with training, debriefing, and spiritual development throughout this time. Meet Jessi and her team at Pre-Con check in Wednesday evening at ICOM.
*FMO Attendees Only: Complementary child care will be provided from 6pm – 9pm on Wednesday and 9 am – 12 pm on Thursday for the kids of  the FMO PreCon attendees.

*Have questions about any of the Pre-Con events?? Email Kelsey Davis,

Looking forward to sharing more with you soon.  


The ICOM team