There’s Still Time.

Next January, the 12 – 15th, 2017, that is.  There is still time to plan, budget and prepare yourself spiritually to attend the World Convention. This will be a fantastic event that will make you view our world differently!  A gathering of members from the Christian Churches, Churches of Christ and Disciples of Christ, will be held in Delhi, India.  Ajai Lall, founder and director of Central India Christian Mission, is president of the World Convention for 2017.  There are several speakers from the independent Christian Church this year, including Jeff Fife, a missionary from Brazil, Usha Rees from Chennai, India, Denford Chizanga from Zimbabwe, Andrzej Bajenski from Poland, and Barry Cameron, Senior Minister at Crossroads Christian Church in Grand Prairie, TX.

Here are 3 reasons why you should consider going:

  1. This will be a great time to see a more expanded view of the worldwide existence of our movement.  It’s more than just acknowledging the fact that there are others outside of our country, it’s worshipping and encouraging others on a global scale.  
  2. India is a land full of spiritual people, many of which have not found or heard of Jesus. Literally millions of people!  It is something that I am not sure can be explained in words alone, but seeing it for yourself would be incredible.  

  3. You can join our group!  I am taking a small group from my church,  Hazelwood CC, to visit the Malvi people, our adopted people group. The Malvi are a group of about 14.4 million people who do not have enough resources and Christians to help themselves grow and develop in Christ. They are an unreached people group; no missionary, no Bible in their language and no network of Christians. We are going to see five Malvi ‘small groups’ of believers in Indore. We want to encourage them and their preacher, Joseph, who is a self employed preacher working to reach his people for Christ.

It is going to be a great global gathering.  There is still plenty of time to prepare for this trip! Our goal is to take as many people from the United States as we can. Call or email me if you want to learn more; you can also visit or