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World Convention Moved from Delhi to Damoh

Do to unforeseen circumstances surrounding our plans to hold our Global Gathering in New Delhi, the local India Planning Committee suggests we move the venue to Damoh, India, still from January 12-15, 2017. The Gathering would be held on the 40-acre campus of Central India Christian Mission.”    
From Gary Holloway, World Convention Director. For more information, please visit: wwwworldconvention.org, and you will find all the information about the change of venue and how to make all of your arrangements.

ICOM is Only 2 Months Away!
Two Months from now, the 2016 ICOM will be completed. Everything is lining up really well and we are getting into the final stages of planning. The workshops are almost done and we have 21 on an exhibitor waiting list. Our housing blocks are all filling up quickly! If you haven’t reserved your room, go to our housing page to reserve your room today!
Have You: 
  • Registered for one of our 8 Pre-Cons? Check them out here!
  • Purchased Bible Study Breakfast, Lunch with Missionaries or Common Ground tickets?
October 14th is the last day for our exhibitors to submit your names for printed badges!!
If you don’t add your names before then, you will receive blank badges to write your name on at ICOM. You should have received an email from emily@theicom.org with instructions on getting your badges submitted!
Update on Walter & Iva Lou Birney
I (David) was able to see Walter and Iva Lou last week while traveling in Colorado. I only got to see them for a short time, but was blessed to spend time with them. Their health has digressed a little bit from the last time I was able to see them, but we still got some time to talk and update them on ICOM. It’s always so good to see Walter & Iva Lou!

*Walter Birney was the first Executive Director of the National Missionary Convention (now ICOM) from 1966 to 2008. Iva Lou was a tireless servant who put all she had into her work for the Kingdom from 1984 to 2008. We are indebted to their sacrifice and service to the Lord.*

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Get in touch with Kelsey Davis to receive printed materials! 
Call: 317-539-4231
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