Make Your Plans for Richmond!

October 29th – November 1st, 2015

Hotels & Shuttles
Airport Shuttle—Thanks to the Northampton Church of Christ, your transportation to and from the airport is taken care of! We will have more information soon on how to sign up for airport shuttles. 

Hotel Shuttle—Thanks to the City of Richmond, there will be 2 shuttle buses running routes from the convention center to each hotel. It’s about a 30 minute route round trip – so with 2 buses there will be a shuttle around every 15 minutes. We’re so excited to be able to offer this service for you this year. We’re also very grateful to the City of Richmond!!
Hotel Rooms: Rooms at the two closest hotels (Marriott & the Hilton) are filling up!  The Marriott is almost full and the Hilton is right behind it!  There are 5 more hotels of all prices along both routes.  Please disregard the Doubletree Hotel on the shuttle & hotel map.  That hotel will no longer be open by the time ICOM comes around. 
Be sure to check out all the housing details online! Click here to learn more!
Attention Missionaries!!

We are looking for speakers for Friday & Saturday Missionary Lunches at ICOM!  Each year we are looking for 4 types of missionaries to speak at our Missionary Lunches. 

New Missionary Recruit
Currently on the Field
Missionary Kid
Foreign National Missionary 

Giving the attendees the opportunity to hear each of these types speak is very impactful & also covers a wide area of people in the audience who might be thinking about missions as a career. We usually have close to 300 people attending these lunches. We hear lots of feedback that the lunches are one of the highlights of the weekend.

Speakers present for about 5-7 minutes each. This is a time to tell a brief story about YOU. It’s not presentation about your mission or a plug for your own achievements. It’s a story about how God is working through you. If you are interested in speaking please email or We’ll be happy to answer any questions you have or to put you on our list! 

Also – Don’t Miss This!
We are exploring options for our missionaries to speak during the ICOM Weekend. The details are still being worked out as to what that might look like, but if that would be something you’d be interested in – please contact David Empson – 
Looking forward to sharing more with you soon.  Benediciones-

The ICOM team
P.S. Registration opening soon!!  Check back on this link later!
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