Sheffler Update
April 2018
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Ivory Coast Christian Mission
Equipping Leaders to Train More LeadersWelcome1345583782.jpg
Bob & Connie Sheffler
sponsors of
Christian Leadership Training Institute (West Africa)
Faith Way Global Outreach (Nigeria)
Grassroots Leadership Development (international)

Dear Friends and Supporters


Forty leaders trained to conduct extension classes


Godfred Mintah and Afrifa Konadu trained men from the Upper East Region and Northern Region of Ghana and from the nations of Burkina Faso and Togo.The training, which took five days, included lectures, practical assignments and experience in teaching an extension class. They were taught the technique of having good discussion through asking the right kind of questions. They were given experience in leading discussion.
The three-step method of our extension program involves (1) programmed, home-study course books which become their teacher, (2) Weekly discussion that will enable students to apply God’s word to their personal life and to their leadership in the church and (3) practical assignments that relate directly to the needs of the congregation. The weekly discussion is the most important part of the method.


We train leaders of local congregations to conduct the extension classes using the three-step method. Our Supervisors visit the classes and mentor the class leaders where needed to enable them to make the classes effective. Our purpose is not to develop academic leaders, but to develop shepherd leaders who can mentor others in living the Christian Life.


Conflicts from the outside and conflicts from within
The devil never rests therefore we can never rest until we go to our final resting place or our Lord Jesus comes a second time to execute His final judgment.
Conflict from the outside: Another land dispute erupted which disturbed our congregation at Ekpeti. Tribes living close together fight over control of farm land because of growing population and scarcity of land. The disputes get violent with loss of lives, buildings, animals, cash crop trees and personal possessions. Even though efforts were made to bring a peaceful resolution to the area, violence broke out. The town of Ekpeti was almost totally demolished by gunfire, fire and looting. The congregation lost its building and its equipment. Members of the congregation suffered heavy personal losses. Innocent or guilty, all suffer together in these conflicts.
Conflict from within:Misguided teachers tried to infiltrate some of the congregations. They proclaimed visions and made false prophesies in efforts to exploit members. They laid hands on women claiming to impart spiritual gifts. They caused confusion and tried to bring about division but their schemes were discovered and their efforts failed.
These conflicts within come about because members and leaders are not well grounded in Biblical truth. The are deceived by radio and TV preachers who seek to glorify themselves by preaching what people want to hear. This is the reason we of the Restoration Movement must never abandon our stand of putting the Bible first in all matters of church doctrine and practice. In order to put the Bible first, we must properly study and understand it. We must properly consult it and examine before we accept any teaching. Any teacher who resents being challenged with sound biblical truth is a false teacher. The devil knows the Bible well. He knows how to misuse it and he knows how to pretend to be an angel of light.
Sunday Obeten is printing our study guides on the Restoration Movement and will soon be holding training seminars on the plea of the Restoration Movement to follow the Bible and the Bible only in matters of doctrine and practice.
Good news from Nigeria is that they have 145 students enrolled in extension classes this term.


1. Thank God for the successful training of 40 men to conduct extension leadership training classes.

2. Thank God for leaders in western Africa who work hard to plant churches and train more leaders.

3. Pray for the success of extension leadership development classes using the three-step method in Ghana, Nigeria, Liberia and Ivory Coast.

4. Pray for those who have suffered loss in the conflict over land at Ekpeti.

5. Pray that church leaders in Africa will be well grounded in Biblical truth so they and the members of their congregations will not be deceived by false teachers.

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